This academic year?
What is 2024/2025
TV, phone, electronics, video games, snap chat
What are distractions
What is the tower in front of the Student Center?
What is Health Center
Pens, pencils, scantron
School supplies I should have
Cypress College President
Who is Scott W. Thayer
The first thing you should to do before starting a test or homework.
What is read and follow the directions.
Gwen Stefani
Famous singer who attended Cypress
What is Financial Aid
Visual, Auditory or Tactile
What are learning styles.
Courses numbered 100-299
What are transferable classes.
A minute every class period
What is breath.
Second floor walk-way accros campus
On-line tutoring
What is netutor
Native, CSU, IGETC
What are GE patterns?
Unforeseeable, emergency and justifiable reasons at the end of the semester.
What is an I grade.
Hardest Class
What is do homework first.
What is the mascot.
University representatives
What is the Transfer Center?
The color Blue
What was the most popular favorite color of the class
May 4, 2025
What is the last day to drop a class with a "W".
What is plan out all of your classes and study time for the semester.
Cow Pasture
What was Cypress built on.
Library Learning Resource Center
Where the library, math lab, and tutoring center is located.
60 units
What is the amount of units to get a AA or transfer.