I literally have my park anywhere lights on, I just ran in for 2 minutes.
parked in restricted area (Fire Lane)
Where is 105 located?
What is the fine for parking in a reserved stall ?
75 restricted and 90 if unreg
I'm parked in 29B... What permit do I have?
Who is addicted to snapchat
My kiosk ticket was only expired by 4 minutes.
Short term violation
I'm in 13A what permit do I have?
R1 or employee
What’s the process for appealing a parking citation?
log onto parking portal and appeal/ diversion program ( 14 days)
Where are the meters located at ?
p6 and gammage/knoles
Who ran out to 1b to cite a car and got scared, ran back in and cited the vehicle under lot 1.
I just ran in to get some food bozo
unreg or zone
I'm just gonna run into the bookstore really fast
I think I'm gonna work on my car
no you have 24 hours to remove your vehicle of campus
What cite could I give if someone is parked in the ATM parking and not using the ATM?
Who sliced their finger open on a razor blade?
My permit is literally on my windshield.
Failure to dispaly
Sodexo seems to be unloading.....Where are they?
How much is an Altered permit violation?
Which lot has the most 15 min stalls?
Who booted the wrong car last semester... we thought the boot cut his boots off....
What do you mean, I have a garage permit why can't I park here if its open after 4:30.
Have a skyview garage 5000 permit
I'm in 67... Where Am I ?
Skydome Horsehoe
What citation does a motorcycle get if it is in a bike rack?
unreg if applicable, unauthorized parking area
where are the electric vehicle charging stations located?
I'm a 2x junior national ski champion
Mr. Smith