What are the privileges for Level 1 & 2 students?
What happens every day at 3:20 pm?
Intern meeting
What happens when a kid receives his 1st infraction?
Name the no tolerance rules
(4 answers)
No tolerance: inappropriate language, fighting, stealing, opening windows
What time do students arrive at the bus stop?
What are the adjectives used to describe the level categories? (4 answers)
Always, often, sometimes, & rarely
What happens every day at 6:30 pm?
What happens on 2nd infraction?
Student gets sent to the away room for 5 minutes.
Grounds for expulsion:
(4 answers)
bullying / putting yourself or others in danger / opening the van door / having any tobacco, alcohol, or illegal substance
How long is Academic time?
45 min - 50 min
What level do returning students start on this semester?
Each student will start on the level they ended on during the fall term.
What happens at 5:15 pm on Wednesdays?
Transition to fields
What happens on 4th infraction?
Student returns to away room for 15 minutes and fills out an away room note.
In order name rules 6-9
6. Always keep your hands to yourself
7. Always be respectful in words and in actions
8. Always tell the full truth
9. Always glorify the Lord in everything you say and do.
How does one take off? (3 answers)
You must fill out the Request Off form, ask for subs, and wait for approval.
A kid is answering all the questions in bible study, received 5 infractions, & has a bad attitude about Academic time. What is this kid's Behavior, Attitude, and Participation points for that day? & Average?
Behavior = 1
Attitude = 2
Participation = 3
Average= 2
What happens at 4:50 pm on Mondays & Tuesdays
Bible study on Mondays & Enrichment on Tuesdays
What happens on 6th infraction?
Student goes to the away room for the rest of the day. The student must talk to a director, fill out another away room note, student writes apology note if needed
In order name rules 1-5
Always stay where you are supposed to be
Always be respectful when someone else is speaking
Always obey an adult immediately and completely
Always keep your area neat.
5. Always walk to get where you are going (indoors)
What is the role for interns during free time?
Your job is to be engaging the students at all times.
Make sure to greet students lovingly and joyously as you see them after school! One of our greatest aims is to have them feeling loved and encouraged
What are the privlieges for a Level 4 student? (8 answers)
Level 4 Snack, Allowed to go with volunteers, Allowed to run errands for teacher, Allowed to help in kitchen + set up for dinner, Able to respectfully claim a seat from a lower level student, Allowed to help care for chickens, *8th grade only* - may have their phone during free time, 5 extra Thrive bucks every week.
Write out all of Thursday's schedule with time stamps.
3:20pm: Interns arrive
4:00pm: Free Time + Snack
4:30pm: Rules and Schedule
4:40pm: MV Game
5:00pm: Academic Time
5:45pm: Small Groups
6:30pm: Dinner
6:55pm: Pack/Pray
7:00pm: Dismiss
What is a strike? What is a reason someone receives it? Who gives it?
A strike is given when a student's behavior consists of fighting, unresponsiveness, leaving Thrive property w/o permission, and possession of a vape, tobacco, etc. An upper director only
Name 5 unwritten rules
Only speaking english, 1 person at a time to the bathroom, must be with an adult at all times, no phones, no headphones
Name as many staff members as you can.
Winner gets these points