Figurative Language
Inferences, Predictions, Conclusions
Main Ideas & Supporting Details
Story Elements
Word Parts

A description of sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch. Often used to describe a setting.

What is imagery?


The bike was going too fast, and Mrs. Conner's fence was getting closer. 

We can predict THIS.

What is the bike will crash?


The students had fun on their field trip.  They

Visited  the Marine Museum.  They were able

to tour a tug boat and they bought souvenirs

in the gift shop.  After the tours they ate a 

picnic lunch in the park and played with their


THIS sentence is the topic sentence.

What is sentence one?


Hugo Cabret is a French orphan that lives in the walls of a train station. He meets several different people that affect the story, but they don't play a role as large as Hugo's.

They are an example of a THIS.

What is a supporting character?



THIS is the root word.

What is form?


This type of figurative language can consist of as little two words with the same starting sound.

What is an alliteration?


Her eyes glistened as she boarded the plane to leave home. 

THIS is the reason she's upset.

What is that she's leaving home?


As Connor's mother gets more and more sick, he begins to get visits from a huge monster. The monster attempts to get Connor to admit to what is truly bothering him. After three visits, and his mother's cancer getting worse, Connor finally admits that he wishes that his own pain would end. The monster is happy that he admits this and leaves him alone. Connor's mother dies, and Connor is reunited with his father.

THIS is the climax of the story/summary.

What is Connor admitting what is bothering him?


Katniss Everdeen lives in District 12, where many people are poor. The living conditions are harsh, and the houses are falling apart. There are several different parts of the town, including the Seam, the Victor's Village, and the market.

THIS is the story element exemplified above.

What is setting?



THIS is the suffix of the word.

What is -tic?


The sentence "I have a million assignments this week" is an example of THIS.

What is a hyperbole?


Read the following conversation:

Lisa: Why can't you just listen to me?

Tina: I am! You're being dumb though.

Lisa: I'm being dumb?! 

Tina: Yeah! Now who isn't listening?

We can conclude THIS.

What is they're arguing/having a fight?


       Maria offered to help her mother clean the house. She vacuumed the living room and dusted the furniture. She picked up the toys in the playroom. She ate a ham sandwich for lunch. Then, she mopped the kitchen floor.

THIS sentence doesn't support the main idea.

What is sentence four?


The first iPhone was released on June 29, 2007.


THIS is what the word "interpersonal" means.

What is between people?


This sentence, "her eyes were glimmering jewels" is an example of THIS.

What is a metaphor?


Read the following conversation.

Joe: I'm so bored! We haven't moved for almost ten minutes!

Kelsey: This is why I hate living in the city sometimes.

Joe: Maybe we should take the subway tomorrow instead.

Kelsey: Even though it's always late, I think it'd be better than this. 

THIS is how we can infer that they're stuck in traffic.

What is a talking about taking the subway instead?

What is saying they haven't moved in 10 minutes?

What is saying they live in the city?


“The Native Americans used the trees to build their houses.  They hunted and trapped animals in the forest for food. They found roots and berries that they could eat. Some plants found in the forest were used for medicine.

THIS is the main idea.

What is that Native Americans used nature for many different things?


Mark Whatney is stranded on Mars with seemingly no way to get home. His oxygen gradually dwindles and so does his food supply. In order to return to Earth, he must construct his own rudimentary rocket to get out of Mars' atmosphere. He almost dies on the way, but our hero manages to return home safely.

The Martian is an example of THIS type of conflict.

What is man vs nature?


If the root word "sect" means cut, then adding the prefix "di-" would make the word mean THIS.

What is to cut into two parts?


This sentence, "he got cold feet when he realized the competition he was up against" has an idiom. THIS is what the idiom means.

What is he got scared?


When apple growers talk about new varieties of apples, they don’t mean something developed last month, last year, or even in the last decade. 

(A) Apple growers haven’t developed any new varieties in recent decades. 

(B) Some varieties of apples can be developed in a short time, but others take a long time. 

(C) New varieties of apples take many years to develop.

What is A?


In earlier days those who had overseas business which they believed should be discussed personally, sailed there to discuss it. Then they would do their business and make the long journey back. Today ships and passengers continue to sail the seven seas, and airplanes soar overhead. But above them all, words speed through the sky – telephone conversations quickly bring together people who are separated by thousands of miles.

THIS is the main idea of the paragraph.

What is that conversations that used to need overseas travel are now being done by phone?


Eva Nine's underground bunker is attacked and her robot mother is killed. She has no other choice but to struggle to survive with her limited knowledge of Earth. But when she reaches the surface, she finds that the Earth had drastically changed since her mom had been on the surface. Fortunately she soon meets a blue alien that agrees to help her find the other humans. 

THIS is the solution to Eva's struggles.

What is the arrival of the blue alien/him agreeing to help her?


Many people think that Marvel has the superior cinematic universe, giving the people who think DC is better the dissenting opinion.

Based on context clues and your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, THIS is the best guess of what the word means.

What is to not agree with?