Partying, Safely
Hooking Up
Drug Interactions
Wellness Resources

To reduce risk of alcohol-related harm, you can follow this guideline for how often to have a drink.

What is one drink per hour?


This refers to having a friend with you when using alcohol or other substances, to reduce the risk of being taken advantage of while intoxicated.

What is the buddy system?


This is the most effective form of contraception to prevent both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

What are condoms?


Many prescription or over-the-counter drugs can have negative interactions with recreational drugs. For example, when MDMA (ecstasy) is taken with this type of prescription drug, it can lead to serotonin syndrome, a potentially fatal condition where too much serotonin is produced at once.

What are SSRIs/SNRIs (antidepressants)?


Would you like to get support for challenges related to substance use, sexual wellbeing, or something else? Come in to this Pace office, located at 161 William St, to make a screening appointment!

What is the Pace University Counseling Center (NYC campus)?


Fill in the blanks with two different words: Drinking ___ glass of ___ per alcoholic drink can help keep you hydrated and reduce the risk of hangovers.

What is one glass of water?


It is always a good idea to test your drugs for safety! Testing strips can detect the presence of this drug, which is often used to "cut" other drugs, and can be lethal even in small doses.

What is fentanyl?


It is a good idea to get tested after every sexual partner to make sure you don't have one of these, many of which can occur without noticeable symptoms.

What are sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?


Mixing alcohol with this stimulant can increase the risk of heart attack.

What is cocaine?


NYC has ______ clinics in many locations throughout the city. These clinics offer low cost and free services such as HIV and STI testing and treatment, medication abortions, and contraception, including emergency contraception (Plan B) and intrauterine devices (IUDs).

What are sexual health clinics?


If someone has had too much to drink and becomes unconscious, they may vomit in their sleep, which can impair their ability to breathe and potentially be fatal (as in the case of Jimi Hendrix). Doing this to them can greatly reduce this risk.

What is turning them on their side?


Many states (including NY) have a version of this law, which protects you from being arrested when requesting medical attention for someone who overdosed or drank too much (even if you have illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or are drinking while underage). So, don't hesitate to call 911!

What is the Good Samaritan law?


Fill in the blanks with the same word: It is a myth that if someone does not say "no" to sexual activity, their ____ is implied. For ____ to be given, someone must actively say "yes."  

What is consent?


Mixing alcohol with this type of drug can lead to fatal consequences, since they both act as depressants on our nervous system to slow us down.

What are opiods?


This is the name of a Pace office dedicated to supporting students who have survived sexual assault.

What is the Office of Sexual and Interpersonal Wellness?


This is the most effective way to sober up after drinking alcohol.

What is waiting, or letting time pass?


Carrying this drug, whose generic name is naloxone, can save someone's life! Using it can reverse the effects of an opiate overdose.

What is Narcan?


Although it is wise to always use protection, sometimes condoms fail or something else goes wrong, and emergency contraception is needed. This is the time frame as to when you should take the morning after pill (aka the Plan B pill) in order for it to be most effective.

What is within 3 days?


Taking these two types of drugs at the same time is known as "snowballing" or "speed balling." However, this is an extremely dangerous practice and can lead to heart failure, stroke, and/or respiratory failure. Comedian John Belushi died this way!

What are stimulants and opioids?


Did you know? There are many locations throughout NYC that offer free _____ spray and fentanyl ____, both of which can help prevent opiate-caused overdoses. (Fill in the blanks with two different words)

What are Narcan/naloxone and test strips?


Confusion, unresponsiveness, slowed or irregular breathing, lowered body temperature, and skin that is pale, blue, or grey, are all signs of this condition (which can be fatal if left untreated).

What is alcohol poisoning?


This recreational drug, commonly used in raves, releases the hormone oxytocin, which can cause you to feel deeply bonded with the people around you (even if you don't know them). Because of this, if you are using this drug, ensure you are doing so in a safe setting around people you trust.

What is MDMA or ecstasy?


If someone is severely intoxicated, they would likely be considered _____, meaning that they are unable to give consent to sexual activity. Examples of this include if someone is unconscious, unable to communicate clearly, confused about where they are or who they are with, or cannot walk without assistance.

What is incapacitated?


Mixing alcohol with this class of drugs, often used for anxiety or insomnia, can cause dangerous respiratory depression.

What are benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, etc.)?


If you don't want to leave campus, come to this Pace department, located at 1 Pace Plaza, 6th Floor East. Although some services offered may have a fee, here you can get HIV and other STI testing and treatment, contraceptives, gynecological care, immunizations, physical examinations, and more.

What is University Health Care (UHC)?