This is Ellie's Zodiac Sign
What is Gemini
The age at which Ellie got her first boyfriend
What is 14
Ellie took 2 classes during winter term that are not Biology Classes name 1
Physics or Population Ecology
Montana shares a border and a national park with this state, Hint its below Montana:
What is Wyoming
What is Webfoot bar and grill
What is Ellie's Favorite Color
Ellie and Seth met her freshman year of college where (location) did they officially meet (the first time they both remember).
What is Myrtle Beach SC
Ellie cried after getting an A- on an exam in this class:
Physics 202
Montana is far away from Oregon; how long does it take Ellie to get from Eugene to Bozeman when driving to visit her family.
What is 12-13 hours
The sport that Ellie competed in competitively for 3 years during middle school was
What is Gymnastics
How tall is Ellie
The official number of boyfriends has Ellie had
Ellie had a presentation in Population ecology for her final project what was that project about:
Salmon population dynamics in North Oregon due to fishing and habitat destruction.
This food is something people from Montana have made and put into MANY things. What is it:
What is Huckelberry's
Ellie blacked out on New Years of 2023 at her friend's house party, She did not use text as a method of communication. What did she use to get her dad to pick her up.
The age at which Ellie Committed to play D1 Lacrosse
How many of the boyfriends have met my Grandma Sharon?
1- Seth
Ellie worked in a micro lab last term, what was her main task.
Plating and culturing bacteria for identification and antibiotic resistance testing
Bozeman Montana has 9 elementary schools, Ellie's 6th grade class named which one:
What is Meadowlark elementary school
In the Fall of 2023 Ellie's Childhood best friend committed suicide and she missed 2 weeks of school to go home, what is his name.
Who is Ryan Jacobs
The name of the high school that Ellie graduated from
What is IMG Academy
All of Ellie's BF's have been over 5'10" except who:
Wyatt Merchant
Ellie was not a bio major at her previous school, what was her major?
Ellie was pre pharmacy, so she was not going to get a bachelor's and was only going to receive her doctorate degree from PC.
What is Ellie's Favorite Bar in Bozeman, Montana
What is Crystal bar