Greek & Latin Roots
Reading Notes
Figurative Langauge
Text Sturcture

This Greek and Latin root mean two.

What is bi


Words that are spelling the same but have different meanings.

What are multiple meaning words?


This figurative language compares two things without using like or as.

What is a metaphor?


I'd had more than my fair share of near-death experiences; it wasn't something you ever really got used to. It seemed oddly inevitable, though, facing death again. Like I really was marked for disaster. I'd escaped time and time again, but it kept coming back for me. Still, this time was so different from the others. You could run from someone you feared, you could try to fight someone you hated. All my reactions were geared toward those kinds of killers— the monsters, the enemies. When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options. How could you run, how could you fight when doing so would hurt that beloved one? If your life was all you had to give your beloved, how could you not give it? If it was someone you truly loved? 

 A The narrator is unsure about who she loves.

 B The narrator is fighting for her life. 

C The narrator struggles with giving her life for the one she loves. 

D The narrator is unable to choose.

What is C?


Arizona is home to one of the world’s greatest

natural wonders, the Grand Canyon. About 5

million people visit the Grand Canyon National

Park each year. The Grand Canyon formed

over 3 to 6 million years ago by the rushing

waters of the Colorado River. Even more, it

reaches about one mile deep!

What is description text structure?


This Greek & Latin Root means three.

What is three?


What reading skill using words in the sentence or surrounding sentences to figure out an unfamiliar word.

What are context clues?


This figurative language uses words like bam, boom, zap. 

What is onomatopoeia?


“Why do you want to leave home, Miles?” Mom asked. “Because of me?” my dad asked. He had attended Culver Creek. I showed then the biography of Rabelais. “So this guy,” I said. “He was this poet and his last words were ‘I go to seek a Great Perhaps.’ That’s why I’m going. So I don’t have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps.” 

Which of the following is true about Miles? Select two options. 

A He wants to leave his parents. 

B He wants to go experience life. 

C He wants to learn more about Rabelais. 

D He seeks answers to his parents’ questions. 

E He wants to learn more about the world.

What is B and E?


Ludwig was limping as he turned the corner

from the family room. It turns out as soon as he

heard the doorbell ring, he leapt off the sofa

and belly-flopped onto the hard tile floor below.

Unfortunately, Ludwig loves to bark ferociously

at the front door any time he hears the doorbell.

Now it appears that Ludwig won’t enjoy a belly

rub until his pain goes away.

What is cause and effect Text Sturcture?


This word contains the word auto and means to write about ones self.

What is autobiography?


This reading skill uses your prior knowledge plus clues from the story. 

What is drawing conclusions and making inferences?


Perry platypus picks prickly pineapples for Phinesis.

What is alliteration?


My nightmare started like this. I was standing on a deserted street in some little beach town. It was the middle of the night. A storm was blowing. Wind and rain ripped at the palm trees along the sidewalk. Pink and yellow stucco buildings lined the street, their windows boarded up. A block away, past a line of hibiscus bushes, the ocean churned. Florida, I thought. Though I wasn’t sure how I knew that. I’d never been to Florida. Then I heard hooves clattering against the pavement. I turned and saw my friend Grover running for his life. Yeah, I said hooves. Grover is a satyr. From the waist up, he looks like a typical gangly teenager with a peach-fuzz goatee and a bad case of acne. He walks with a strange limp, but unless you happen to catch him without his pants on (which I don’t recommend), you’d never know there was anything unhuman about him. Baggy jeans and fake feet hide the fact that he’s got furry hindquarters and hooves. Grover had been my best friend in sixth grade. He’d gone on this adventure with me and a girl named Annabeth to save the world, but I hadn’t seen him since last July, when he set off alone on a dangerous quest— a quest no satyr had ever returned from. 

What is the main idea of the dream? 

A Grover is in danger. 

B The main character is in danger. 

C Florida is in the middle of a hurricane. 

D The storm is building.

What is A?


A moon is a natural satellite of a planet.

There is only one moon which orbits Earth.

Unlike us, there are other planets in our solar

system which have multiple moons. Mars has

two moons, named Phobos and Deimos. Even

more outrageous, Jupiter has a whopping total

of 67 moons!

What is compare and contrast text structure?


This word contains uni and means unlike anything else.

What is unique?


This reading skill is what happens and why?

What is cause and effect?


My backpack weighs a ton.

What is a hyperpole? 


Once there were four girls who shared a pair of pants. The girls were all different sizes and shapes, and yet the pants fit each of them. You may think this is a suburban myth. But I know it's true, because I am one of them — one of the sisters of the Traveling Pants. We discovered their magic last summer, purely by accident. The four of us were splitting up for the first time in our lives. Carmen had gotten them from a secondhand place without even bothering to try them on. She was going to throw them away, but by chance, Tibby spotted them. First Tibby tried them; then me, Lena; then Bridget; then Carmen. By the time Carmen pulled them on, we knew something extraordinary was happening. If the same pants fit — and I mean really fit — the four of us, they aren't ordinary. They don't belong completely to the world of things you can see and touch. My sister, Effie, claims I don't believe in magic, and maybe I didn't then. But after the first summer of the Traveling Pants, I do. 

What is the theme? 

A Each person has their own uniqueness. 

B Friendship brings you closer together. 

C There is magic if you really believe. 

D Traveling pants are important.

What is B?


Arizona was the last land continental state

to become part of the United States. Officially,

Arizona became the 48th state in 1912. Since

1919, Arizona’s beautiful Grand Canyon has

been attracting tourists. Did you know, Arizona

celebrated its 100th birthday (or centennial) on

February 14, 2012?

What is chronological order text structure?


This word contains the suffix ology and means the study of fossils.

What is a paleontology?


This is characters, setting, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. 

What is narrative structure? 


The sun was smiling down on me.

What is Personification?


Imagine it's a couple of years ago, the summer between seventh and eighth grade. You're tan from lying out next to your rock-lined pool, you've got on your new Juicy sweats (remember when everybody wore those?), and your mind's on your crush, the boy who goes to that other prep school whose name we won't mention and who folds jeans at Abercrombie in the mall. You're eating your Cocoa Krispies just how you like 'em --- doused in skim milk --- and you see this girl's face on the side of the milk carton. missing. She's cute --- probably cuter than you --- and has a feisty look in her eyes. You think, Hmm, maybe she likes soggy Cocoa Krispies too. And you bet she'd think Abercrombie boy was a hottie as well. You wonder how someone so . . . well, so much like you went missing. You thought only girls who entered beauty pageants ended up on the sides of milk cartons. Well, think again.

What is the theme? 

A Facing a sudden identity crisis. 

B Dealing with the forces of good vs. bad. 

C The sadness in the destruction of beauty. 

D How scary it can be to face reality.

What is D?


Are you ever excited to put on a program just

added to Netflix? Yet, as soon as you select the

streaming title, you begin to see a slow buffering

percentage tick across the screen. No, not

again! The error message indicates it doesn’t

detect an Internet connection. One way to

troubleshoot, is to check your Wi-Fi router & reset

it. Hopefully, that does the trick!

What is problem solution text structure?