the color purple
gender: intro to terms
theory theory theory
so you want to talk race
pride and prejudice

These are the names of the couple that had taken in Celie's children, Adam and Olivia?

Who are Samuel and Corrine?


telling girls and women that they are overreacting when dealing with sexual harassment is one way society contributes to this

what is rape culture?


What is literary theory

the systematic study of literature, and the various methods established for analyzing literature. 

theory can be thought of as a lens, or way of looking - in this case at stories and narratives


the term for when one group gains benefits or advantages, purely for being a part of that group

what is privilege?


an example of this kind of behavior would be when someone is overly concerned with correcting someone's grammar, instead of actually listening to what they have to say

what is pedantic?


The _______ child demanded to be given an ice cream immediately, declaring that if he didn't he would scream and slam his head on the ground.

what is brazen?


choosing to be an organ donor, the right to an abortion, wearing masks in hospitals and schools, and rules about tattoos or piercings are all topics relating to this concept.

what is bodily autonomy?


this is the process by which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a given society, and learn to function within it.

what is socialization?


Seniors are not known for their _______ when talking about things like a ditch day, even when they think they are being sneaky.

what is subtlety?


the brave but foolish explorers set out on a bold _____ to explore the icy Arctic, thinking that beyond the ice they would find a warm tropical paradise.

what is a venture?


the children maintained their cruel _______ of the kid that they had decided was "weird", long after it had been novel or interesting.

what is ostracism?


examples of this include telling boys to "man up" and "stop crying", or, when people excuse abusive or violent behavior by saying 'boys will be boys'

what is toxic masculinity?


this idea would posit that anyone who does something 'bad' must therefore and automatically and forever be a "bad person"

what is an individualistic worldview?


What is Ijeoma Oluo's definition of racism?

Prejudice against someone because of their race, when that prejudice is backed by a system of power.


after his initial rejection, Darcy began working to ______ himself to Elizabeth, by making sure Wikham didn't disgrace the Bennets, and ensuring Jane had another shot with Bingley.

what is endear?


Why does Nettie keep writing letters to Celie, even though she never gets a reply?

She figures that Mr. ___ is keeping them from Celie, but keeps writing and hoping one will slip through.


in this concept, the lens of a camera is used to 'look' differently at women than at men, reinforcing harmful and sexist attitudes and expectations in society

what is the male gaze?


What is the central principle for psychoanalytical theory?

the idea of the unconscious, and this concept of a second, hidden layer of motivations and emotions that provide an alternative explanation for a story


this is a fancy word for yapping

what is pontificate?


Elizabeth was absolutely _______ when Mr. Collins launched into his lengthy marriage proposal.

what is mortified?


What happens (for Celie) after Alphonso, aka "Pa", dies?

Celie inherits his big house


this concept has been a primary way in which society views gender, despite more and more evidence making it clear that gender has never really worked this way

what is the gender binary?


This is the theoretical framework that any type of tension or conflict in a story can really be boiled down to represent class (rich v poor) or economic struggle.

what is Marxist theory?


There are a ________ of ways in which to draw a cat.

what is a myriad?


Wickham's affections for Elizabeth turned out to be entirely _______.

what is contrived?