Funny Families
Decades of Delight
Fashion Foward
Famous Faux Pas
Recipe Round Up

On this family cartoon, this trio of siblings includes Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.

Who are the Simpsons (children)?


This 1955 Disney animated film features a romantic spaghetti dinner scene between two canine characters.

What is "Lady and the Tramp"?


This garment, a combination of shorts and a skirt, offers the appearance of a skirt with the practicality of shorts underneath.

What is a skort?


At the 2017 Oscars, this film was mistakenly announced as Best Picture before the error was corrected to "Moonlight."

What is "La La Land"?


This popular quick bread, often enjoyed for breakfast, is made with mashed ripe bananas and can include nuts or chocolate chips.

What is banana bread?


In "The Brady Bunch," this character is the ever-patient and loving mother of six blended-family children.

Who is Carol Brady?


This iconic video game, featuring a yellow circular character eating dots and avoiding ghosts, became a cultural phenomenon in the 1980s.

What is Pac-Man?


Introduced in the 1970s, these shoes featured a unique sole design with a negative heel, intended to promote natural walking and improve posture.

What are Earth Shoes?


In 2010, this company's iPhone 4 was criticized for signal loss when held in a certain way, leading to the offer of free cases for affected users.

What is Apple?


Originating from Italy, this thick soup is made with tomatoes, bread, and a variety of vegetables like carrots, celery, and onions.

What is minestrone?


In the film "National Lampoon's Vacation," this patriarch, played by Chevy Chase, is known for his disastrous family road trips.

Who is Clark Griswold?


This 1969 music festival, held in New York, became a symbol of the counterculture movement and is remembered for its iconic performances and peaceful atmosphere.

What is Woodstock?


This classic pattern, featuring a checked design with overlapping horizontal and vertical lines in various colors, is often associated with Burberry.

What is the tartan pattern (or plaid)?


At the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show, this singer experienced a wardrobe malfunction during a performance with Justin Timberlake, leading to a media frenzy.

Who is Janet Jackson?


This Indian dish is a type of lentil stew, commonly served with rice or bread, and is known for its comforting and warming qualities.

What is dal (or dahl, daal, or dhal)?


On "The Jeffersons," this character is known for her witty comebacks and humorous banter with her son-in-law George.

Who is Mother Jefferson?


This 1977 film, starring John Travolta, epitomized the disco era with its dance scenes and Bee Gees soundtrack.

What is "Saturday Night Fever"?


Known as one of the "Big Four" fashion capitals of the world, this city is home to the annual event known as Fashion Week, where designers showcase their latest collections.

What is Milan?


In a famous scene from the sitcom "Friends," this character accidentally combines a trifle with a shepherd's pie, much to the horror of her dinner guests.

Who is Rachel (Green)?


 A classic French dessert, this custard is topped with a layer of caramelized sugar, giving it a distinctive crunch.

What is crème brûlée?


In "The Addams Family," this character is known for his love of trains and he is the husband of Morticia.

Who is Gomez Addams?


This term describes the economic boom and cultural flourishing of an era characterized by music, flappers, and speakeasies.

What is the Jazz Age?


This term refers to the creation of exclusive, custom-fitted clothing, often seen in high-fashion Parisian design houses

What is haute couture?


This Renaissance artist famously depicted angels with navels in his frescoes, despite the theological belief that they were not born of humans.

Who is Michelangelo?


Originating from Jamaica, this spicy marinade and cooking technique involves a blend of Scotch bonnet peppers, allspice, thyme, and other spices, used primarily on chicken or pork.  

What is jerk seasoning (or jerk marinade)?