When is the first day of Spring this year?
March 20th
This is spread in the air from a flower and often causes spring allergies.
What is pollen?
April showers bring May ____________.
What are flowers?
This is a move that gymnasts do often.
What is a handspring?
This holiday is in March and people tend to wear green on this day.
What is St. Patrick's Day?
How many months is Spring?
3 months
When it is spring in the northern hemisphere, it is ______________ in the southern hemisphere.
What is autumn (fall)?
What holiday occurs on April 1st?
April Fools Day
This is the name for the type of dusting, washing windows, vacuuming, shaking out rugs, and opening windows as the weather gets warmer.
What is spring cleaning?
This holiday is in April this year.
What is April Fool's Day, Pesach (Passover), Easter, Earth Day.
What season comes after spring?
What is a Summer?
Starting in spring, our days get _____________.
What is longer?
This sparkling April gem is the same one in a ring used to propose to a person.
What is a diamond?
This phrase is used to describe someone who cannot wait to get outside in the spring, who seems to be a little "crazy" for the season.
What is "spring fever?"
This holiday is in May.
What is Mother's Day
Do the clocks go forward or backward in the spring?
Forward (spring forward)
What is one holiday that occurs during the Spring?
Pesach, Easter, April Fool's Day, Earth Day, Mother's Day, Cinco de Mayo, and Father's Day.
This green gem is the birthstone for May. It's also the name of the City in the land of Oz (The Wizard of Oz).
What is emerald?
When you walk energetically in a way that shows you are feeling happy and confident.
What is having a spring in your step?
This holiday is in June.
What is Father's Day.
What happens with a lot of animals during the spring?
Baby animals are born and they come out of hibernation.
What does Spring symbolize?
renewal, rebirth, and the start of a better life or times.
What season take place right before Spring?
Are there more days in April or May?
May. It has 31 and April has 30.