Context Clues
Informational Texts
Fiction & Poetry

What does the word apathy mean?

Even though her friend was going through a tough time, Maria showed complete apathy towards the situation and didn't offer any help or support.

Apathy = lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern


The word hydrate includes the root word hydro Latin). What is the most likely meaning of the root word hydro?

hydro = water


What are the three rhetorical devices authors and speakers use to persuade their audience?





What text structure is used below?

The increasing popularity of social media has had a profound effect on how people communicate and interact with each other. As more and more people spend time on social media, face-to-face communication has decreased, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, the constant stream of information and notifications on social media can be overwhelming and distracting, leading to decreased productivity and difficulty focusing on important tasks. As a result, many people have started to re-evaluate their relationship with social media and are looking for ways to limit their use and prioritize real-life connections.

Cause & effect


What is "hope" compared to in the following excerpt?

"Hope" is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm -

Hope is compared to a bird. 

What is the meaning of the word audacious?

Despite the dangerous conditions, the climber made an audacious attempt to scale the sheer cliff face without any safety equipment.

Audacious = bold, daring, fearless, or brave


The words transport and import include the Latin root word port. What is the most likely meaning of the Latin root word port?

port = to carry or bear


Provide the definition of each rhetorical device (ethos, pathos, and logo)

Ethos = appeals to credibility 

Pathos = appeals to emotion

Logos = appeals to logic and reasoning


What text structure is used below?

One problem facing many cities today is the issue of traffic congestion. With more and more people moving to urban areas, roads and highways are becoming increasingly crowded, leading to longer commute times and increased air pollution. One possible solution to this problem is the promotion of alternative modes of transportation, such as biking, walking, and public transit. By investing in infrastructure and providing incentives for people to use these modes of transportation, cities can reduce traffic congestion and improve the overall health and well-being of their residents.



What does the following dialogue reveal about Rachel?

"I'm not sure what to do," said Rachel, her voice trembling. 

"Maybe you should talk to someone," replied her friend, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

Rachel is struggling with something. 


What is the meaning of the word corroborate in the following sentence?

The witness's testimony helped to corroborate the suspect's alibi, providing additional evidence that he was not at the scene of the crime when it occurred.

Corroborate = confirm or support


Century and percent both include the Latin root word cent. What is the most likely meaning for the root word cent?

cent = hundred


What rhetorical device is used by MLK Jr. in the following quote? "I have the honor of serving as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization operating in every southern state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. We have some eighty-five affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights."

Ethos - he is appealing to his credibility by referencing his role as the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.


What is the author's purpose for writing the following text?

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, located off the coast of Australia. The reef is home to thousands of different species of marine life, including sea turtles, sharks, and over 1,500 species of fish. Unfortunately, the Great Barrier Reef is under threat due to climate change and other human activities, such as overfishing and pollution.

Inform the audience about the Great Barrier Reef


What is the tone of the following poem? Frustrated, sad, humorous, or silly?

I’m nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there’s a pair of us — don’t tell! They’d banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog!



What is the meaning of the word tirade in the following sentence?

During the meeting, the angry CEO went on a tirade about the company's recent decline in profits, berating the employees for their lack of effort and commitment.

Tirade = rant; angry speech of criticism or accusation


Audio and auditorium both include the Latin root aud. What is the most likely meaning of the Latin root aud?

Aud = to hear or listen


What rhetorical device is used in the following excerpt from JFK's speech about traveling to the moon? "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win." 

Pathos = JFK uses pathos to appeal to the audience's sense of national pride to help motivate and inspire them to embrace the challenge of sending a man to the moon


What is the author's tone in the following passage about space?

"The vast expanse of space has always filled me with an overwhelming sense of wonder and awe. The endless possibilities of what could be out there, just waiting to be discovered, leaves me feeling both humbled and inspired. The mysteries of the universe continue to captivate my imagination and push the boundaries of what we know and understand about our place in the cosmos. I am convinced that exploring space is crucial to our understanding of ourselves and our world, and I can't wait to see what we discover next."

The author uses a passionate tone. 


Which words in the following excerpt create a sense of sadness and despair?

The sky was a deep shade of gray, and the clouds hung low in the sky, casting a dismal light over the desolate landscape. The trees were bare, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, and the ground was covered in a layer of frost that sparkled in the pale light. There was a sense of stillness in the air, as if the world had been frozen in time, and the only sound was the distant howling of the wind.

deep shade of gray, hung low, dismal light, desolate landscape, skeletal fingers, stillness, frozen in time, and distant howling


What is the meaning of the word proprietor in the following sentence?

The proprietor of the small restaurant greeted each customer personally and took pride in the quality of the food and service.

Proprietor = business owner


The words attract, extract, and tractor all include the Latin root word tract. What is the most likely meaning of the root word tract?

Tract = to drag or pull


What rhetorical device is used in the following excerpt from Rachel Carlson's book, "Silent Spring?" "These sprays, dusts, and aerosols are now applied almost universally to farms, gardens, forests, and homes -- nonselective chemicals that have the power to kill every insect, the "good" and the "bad," to still the song of birds and the leaping of fish in the streams, to coat the leaves with a deadly film, and to linger on in soil -- all this though the intended target may be only a few weeds or insects."

Logos = She is appealing to the readers' logic by highlighting the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment and human health. 


What is the central idea of the following paragraph?

The forest was quiet, except for the occasional chirp of a bird or rustle of leaves. The canopy overhead was thick and provided much-needed shade from the hot sun. A nearby stream babbled softly, and I could hear the distant hum of insects. It was clear that this was a healthy ecosystem, full of life and diversity, and a place that was cherished and protected by those who called it home.

The ecosystem is healthy and valued. 


When does this story take place? How do you know?

The city sprawled out before them, towering skyscrapers reaching up to touch the clouds. The streets below were filled with sleek, self-driving vehicles and bustling crowds of people. Neon lights and holographic advertisements flickered and flashed in every direction. In the distance, they could see the outline of a massive, gleaming spaceport, launching ships off to explore the far reaches of the galaxy. 

The future - self-driving vehicles & spaceport launching ships off to explore the far reaches of the galaxy