Which day did God finish his work of creation?
On the seventh day.
When God was creating the heavens and the earth, what wasn't growing on the earth still?
(use your common sense/logic).
No plants or grains were growing in the earth.
When God breathed into the man's nostrils, what happened to the men?
The man became a living person.
According to Genesis 2, what did the trees God created produce?
Hint: How would you describe grapes, bananas, kiwi, pineapples?
Delicious fruits.
What would happen to the men that God created if he eats from the tree that God told him not to eat from?
He will die.
What did God do on the seventh day?
He rested.
According to Genesis 2, what were two reasons why there wasn't plants or grains growing on the earth yet?
Because God did not send rain to the earth yet and there were no people to work the land.
According to Genesis 2, what did God plant?
A garden.
What was the name of one of the trees that God put in the middle of the Garden of Eden?
The tree of life.
Who named all the animals that we know of today?
The first men that God created.
God did two things to the 7th day, what were they?
He blessed it and declared it holy.
Even though there was no rain on the earth yet and no people to work the land, there was one thing that did come up from the ground and watered the land, what was that?
Hint: It has seven letters. It starts with the letter S and ends with the letter S.
What was the name of the garden that God planted?
The garden of Eden.
What was the name of the second tree that God put in the middle of the Garden of Eden?
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
God saw that it was not good for men to be alone, so he made the man a helper.
Describe how God did this.
God made the man fall into a deep sleep.
While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening.
Why did God bless the 7th day and declared it holy?
Because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation.
According to Genesis 2, what did God use to form the man?
Dust from the ground.
Why did God plant the garden of Eden?
He planted it to place the man he made there.
God gave the men he created a very important task over the Garden of Eden, what was this task?
To tend and watch over it.
According to Genesis 2, why are women called "women"?
Because she was taken from a man.
When we first read Genesis 2 verse 1, what is the first thing we are told about the heavens and the earth?
That everything in them was completed/finished.
When God created men, what did He breathed into the men's nostrils?
He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils.
Where was the garden of Eden located?
God told the men he created that he can eat from all the trees in the garden, except which tree?
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
What did Adam say when he saw the women God created for him?
"This one is bone from my bone,
and flesh from my flesh!"