Service Sites
CF Projects
DePauw Service
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At this site, volunteers develop individual friendships with senior citizens or assist with group activities at the retirement home and nursing facilities.

What is Asbury Towers?


At this event, Civic Fellows reflect on what their service and what volunteering means to them.

What is Spring Retreat?


This 4-year program's vision is to uplift communities through engaging students in service and civic involvement throughout college campuses across the country. Twenty students from each incoming class participate in this program at DePauw.

What is the Bonner program?


At this site, volunteers help with various tasks, including cleaning cages and walking/playing with dogs and cats.

What is the Humane Society of Putnam County?


At this site, volunteers expose elementary school students to basic Spanish language skills.

What is TZ Spanish Enrichment?


At this event, Civic Fellows raise money and buy presents for families in the community.

What is Giving Tree?


This first-year program seeks to build relationships among students interested in community service and connect them with others who have similar interests, academic pursuits, and professional goals. Students in this program attend a service-learning trip.

What is the Stone Scholar Cohort?


At this site, volunteers assist with monthly distributions of non-food necessities, including toiletry and other hygiene products, to Putnam County families at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Greencastle.

What is the Non-Food Pantry?


Volunteers at this site help collect, preserve, and interpret the natural, historical and cultural heritage of the county. There are numerous opportunities for volunteering, including indexing, research, and community engagement.

What is the Putnam County Museum?


At this fall event, Civic Fellows help tidy the lawns of Greencastle residents.

What is Rake n Run?


This one-time service event introduces first year students to the Greencastle/Putnam County community through service, and also connects students interested in service to the Hartman Center. Students are divided into small groups with an upperclass student leader to serve with local organizations.

What is the First-Year Community Plunge?


This site is a pen-pal writing program between DePauw and local elementary school students on a weekly basis. Letters are due Mondays every week.

What are Tiger Pals?


Volunteers at this site work with students who need support with school and overall, help teachers maintain the classroom and keep up on tasks, like printing and copying, and aid in organizing and prepping classes for teachers and students.

What is Deer Meadow Elementary?


At this event, Civic Fellows usually partner with another organization on campus to do a different one-time service event. Last year at this event, we tied blankets with MAPS.

What is Spring Event?


This event takes place on the third Monday of January every year. We gather together in service to serve their communities and to honor the legacy and work of a historical figure who crafted a legacy based on compassion, engagement, and a dedication to make change.

What is Martin Luther King Day of Service?


Volunteers at this site connect Putnam County youth grades K-5 to different types of art movements, styles, and artists in a fun and engaging way. This program meets the first Saturday of every month.

What is JumpStART?


Volunteers at this site assist in organizing shop inventory, stocking shelves, and greeting customers at this thrift store whose profits go to another of our services sites.

What is Rescued Treasures?


At this event, Civic Fellows recognize the achievements of our graduating members.

What is Senior Banquet?

This competitive philanthropy event aims to educate students about food insecurity. Both DePauw students across campus and local youth form teams to purchase requested items to donate to the Putnam County Food Pantry Coalition in preparation for the summer. These teams compete against one another to donate the most, with challenges built into the day to win gift cards to increase their total donation.

What is Supermarket Sweep?


Volunteers at this site help middle school students use the program to get extra help with their homework and complete missing classroom assignments. Service times are Mondays - Fridays 11 AM - 1 PM.

What is Time to Catch Up?