R & J Literary Analysis
Shakespearean Sonnets
Romeo & Juliet

The grammatical error in this sentence: Men never see there own faces and never ask there brother’s about it, for it is evil to have concern for there own faces or bodies.

What is "there" should be "their"?


Equality 7-2521’s curse

What is that he allows himself to think forbidden thoughts, and question things he shouldn’t?


What light and dark imagery represent in "Romeo and Juliet."

What is light symbolizing love and darkness representing conflict and death?


The number of lines in a Shakespearean sonnet.

What is 14 lines?


The primary conflict in "Romeo and Juliet."

What is the feud between the Montague and Capulet families?


The meaning of “equilibrium” in the sentence: “The yoga instructor emphasized the importance of finding equilibrium in both mind and body”.

What is emotional balance?


The best interpretation of the simile in the following passage

“Only the glass box in our arms is like a living heart that gives us strength."

What is the glass box symbolizes a living heart that gives Equality 7-2521 strength?


Romeo's motivation to attend the Capulet's party.

What is his hope to see Rosaline, the girl he loves, but instead falling in love with Juliet?


The rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet.

What is abab cdcd efef gg?


Romeo's closest friend and confidant.

Who is Mercutio?


The grammatical error in this sentence: By next week, I will had finished my project.

What is "had" should be changed to "have"?


What the Uncharted Forest symbolizes and/or represents for Equality in Chapter 8.

What is symbolizes freedom and the unknown for Equality?


An example of dramatic irony in "Romeo and Juliet."

What is when Romeo and Juliet express their love for each other despite the audience knowing their tragic fate?


Commonly explored themes in Shakespearean sonnets.

What are love, time, beauty, and mortality?


The event that prompts Romeo and Juliet to make their marriage plans.

What is their meeting and falling in love at the Capulet's party?


A synonym for the word “ego”

What is self-esteem?


The name Equality gives himself.

What is Prometheus? 


How Shakespeare explores the theme of love in "Romeo and Juliet."

What are through various types of love, including romantic love, familial love, and the love of friendship, and how these loves intersect and conflict with each other?


Literary devices commonly used in Shakespearean sonnets.

What are metaphor, simile, personification, and imagery?


Major themes explored in "Romeo and Juliet."

What are love, fate, violence, and the passage of time?


Identify the grammatical error in the following sentence: "The dog wagged it's tail excitedly."

What is the incorrect use of the possessive pronoun "it's" instead of the possessive adjective "its"?


The specific action or event in "Anthem" symbolizes Equality 7-2521's rejection of collectivist society and affirmation of individualism.

What is Equality 7-2521's decision to rediscover electricity and pursue knowledge for himself, rather than for the benefit of society?


The meaning of the metaphor in these lines: 

O that I were a glove upon that hand, 

25    That I might touch that cheek!

What is Romeo wants Juliet to touch his face.?


The primary purpose of the prologue, which is written in the form of a Shakespearean sonnet. 

What is to reveal central themes and create a connection with the audience?


The correct interpretation of this quote when Benvolio tells Romeo, “One fire burns out another’s burning.”

Finding new love helps one forget the loss of a previous love.