
1.  Can TSMs be used for testing? (Is there a district exception?)

2.  Where does the user find the COS Service Device to download?

1. No.  The exception is GA Cyber Academy

2. COS Service Device software is only available under GA eDirect -- not WIDA AMS


The first section of the ELA test has 1 practice question and 5 operational questions.  What question number will the student start when they login to second section of the ELA test?



I just added accommodations to student profiles under the SPTwRT administration.  These accommodations will transfer to the EOG Spring / EOC Spring administrations.  True or False

False.  Accommodations do not transfer administrations.  Additionally, you cannot upload accommodations.  You can update accommodations en masse via the update accommodations option under student management


Which district can still use a TSM...if needed?

GA Cyber Academy


EOC Student fully finished testing Math on May 3rd. When is their preliminary report scheduled to be posted?



How many practice questions does each section 1 test contain for an EOC tester?

2 practice questions

(1 practice question for EOG students)


A student is getting the following message - "You are trying to access a portion of the test that is no longer available."  They are trying to go back to their practice question and complete it.  What do you tell the caller.

Once the student moves on from the practice portion of their test, they cannot go back to it.  The practice portion of the test is not graded.


Which Co. is moving to 100% paper for the EOC Spring and EOG Spring administrations due to recent tornado activity in their county? (From 3/8/19 email)

Choose correct one: Bacon, Miller, Evans, Stewart


Make sure you read your emails!


What is enhanced retry logic?

Provides solution to avoid a network connection error that disconnected students from testing or caused error flags on the TSM

Results in fewer students disconnected from testing

Continues attempting to connect for five minutes


6th grade student finished their Math Section 2 on 4/12/19 and Math Section 1 on 4/26/19.  When is their preliminary report scheduled to be posted?



Where does a user print the generic, Secure Practice Test without response transmission tickets from?

All Applications > General Information  > Documents > Document Type = Secure Practice Test Materials


When can we expect to start seeing EOG Preliminary Reports start getting posted to the reports section of eDirect?



Are tests timed?

Yes - but INSIGHT does not kick students out if they have reached their max testing time allotment.  Test Administrators/Proctors should be keeping the time.


Technology Coordinators need to ensure the proper administration content is downloaded to their COS Service Devices before students start testing.  True or false

True.  New administrations will not automatically download to their COS Service Device


8th grade student finished both sections of their Science Test on May 1. When is their preliminary report scheduled to be posted?



What tests would a 10th grader be taking - ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies?

That is not for DRC to determine.  Sites will add students to their appropriate test sessions


What is the human reader/human signer accommodation?

Student logs in with their ticket to test

Teacher logs in with their ticket to read/sign

Student needs proper Human Reader/Human Signer accommodation

Student needs test form 01

Teacher gets their ticket from general information > documents > document type = accommodation supports


This student started testing without the proper accommodations.  How should we direct this caller?

We should have this caller's DAC reach out to their State Assessment Specialist for more direction.


A student is trying to connect two dots on a graph within a TE (Technology Enhanced) item.  They are having difficulty getting the line to bisect the dots.  How do we direct them?

Have the student click on one dot.  Have the student drag their mouse (creating the line) to the other dot.


10th grade student is in a completed status for both sections of their Science test on 4/23/19.  On 5/1/19, their test admin unlocked their test for the student to go back into their test and fully complete the test. When is their preliminary report scheduled to be posted?



How many sections of the Math Section 1 test are there?


first 10 operational questions are non-calc

the second half of the test allows calculator use


1. Where should a student login with a Secure Practice Test with Response Transmission ticket?

2. Where should a student login with a Secure Practice Test without Response Transmission ticket?

1. INSIGHT > SPTwRT Test Sign In

2. INSIGHT > Grade appropriate Test Sign In (not SPTwRT)

These tests can be taken as many times as desired.


I am doing the Online Tools Training with my 3rd graders and these TE items are too difficult for them to understand...How do we direct this caller.

The Online Tools Training TE items are not grade specific and are just meant for a student to familiarize themselves with the mechanics of drag+drop questions and graphing questions.  There are more grade-appropriate TE items within the Secure Practice Test.


What form number is needed for TTS tests?  Where do you find this form number?

01 - click the printer icon under test management > Student Roster Report


My preliminary report says that my EOG students took their tests on 4/8/19; however, all of my students tested on 4/15/19.  Why is there a discrepancy?

The tested date on the preliminary report reflects the day when the testing window opened - not necessarily the day the students actually tested.