What season comes after Spring?
The more I shine, the less you wear. What am I?
The Sun
What is the weather like in Spring?
It's warm!
The holiday when we color or dye eggs
What is English for "сонячне світло"?
Spring will end in this month
I have petals, but I am not a book. I smell nice, but I’m not perfume. What am I?
A flower
What do you call a colorful bow in the sky?
a rainbow
The holiday when we honor our mothers
Mother's Day
What is a synonym of blossom?
Spring always starts this month.
I can be heard but never seen, I whisper through the trees in spring. What am I?
The wind
This hopping animal is often associated with Easter.
a rabbit
April Fool's Day
What is English for "брунька"?
True or false
March, April, and June are all Spring months.
What falls but never gets hurt?
These insects are important pollinators and make honey.
What holiday honors the achievements of women around the world?
International Women’s Day
What is English for "пружина"?
April showers bring May.....?
You see me once in March, twice in April, but never in May. What am I?
Letter "R"
Name an animal that comes out of hibernation during the spring/summer?
A bear, groundhog, snake, etc
What holiday is celebrated on March 17th, honors the patron saint of Ireland, and is known for people wearing green?
St. Patrick's Day
What is English for "паросток" ?