Easter Candy
Famous Spring Events and Festivals
Spring Weather and Equinox
Songs about Spring
Spring Blooms

This popular candy is often shaped like small eggs and comes in pastel colors during Easter.

What are Jelly beans? 


This celebrated American Sporting event occurs on the first Saturday in May, features a parade of elaborate costumes and extravagant hats.

What is the Kentucky Derby? 


This is the month when the spring equinox typically occurs in the Northern Hemisphere.

What is March? 


This song was released in 1972, and its second line reads, "I can see all obstacles in my way." 

What is "I Can See Clearly Now"? 


This tree, native to America, blooms with white or pink flowers in the southern states around late spring. 

What are Dogwood Trees? 


A type of chocolate candy is commonly given out during Easter in the shape of a bunny.

What is a Chocolate Easter Bunny? 


The country of origin of Mayday: a celebration where people celebrate the arrival of spring with the tradition of dancing around a maypole adorned with ribbons.

The United Kingdom


What type of precipitation is common in spring, consisting of frozen raindrops?

What is hail? 


This Beattle's song released in 1969 was to bring hope to the hopeless, reminding them of a new start with the promised sunshine during springtime.

What is "Here Comes the Sun"? 


This popular flower symbolizes rebirth and renewal, is a symbol of spring, is often associated with Easter celebrations.

What is a Lily? 


This Easter candy is known for its egg-shaped shell and creamy filling, often flavored with vanilla or coconut.

What is a Cadbury Creme Egg? 


This spring holiday celebrated on the 5th of May celebrates the Mexican army's victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. 

What is Cinco de Mayo?


This natural disaster, characterized by rotating columns of air, is more common in spring than in any other season.

What is a Tornado? 


This Taylor Swift song asks us to cherish the good things when we have them. 

What is "Come in With the Rain"?


The flowers shown here are the basis of a huge festival in Amsterdam in The Netherlands. 

What are Tulips? 


In 2023, this type of candy was the most popular Easter Candy in America. 

What are Reece's Peanut Butter Eggs? 


This is the Japanese tradition of enjoying cherry blossoms, or Sakura. 

What is Hanami? 


This meteorological phenomenon marks the beginning of spring when day and night are approximately equal in length.

What is Vernal Equinox?


If April Showers bring may Flowers, what does Rhianna bring for the showers? 

What is an "Umbrella"? 


Spring blooms activate Spring allergies. Spring allergies affect millions of people in the U.S. every year, with 19.2 million receiving a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, otherwise known as this. 

What is Hay Fever? 


In the U.S. only this holiday sees more retail sales of candy. 

What is Halloween? 

This Hindu festival marks the arrival of spring with colorful powder throwing and festive dancing. 

What is Holi? 


The date of Spring Equinox varies each year. In 2024 it is on this date. 

What is March 19, 2024? 


This pop culture favorite song is featured in one of America's most beloved movies and includes the lyrics, "Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me." 

What is "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"? 


Some Spring flowers that come back to bloom year after year are classified as this NOT annuals. 

What are perennials?