Is Spring the first, second, third or fourth season of the year?
The name for a group of butterflies.
A. Flutter
B. Breeze
C. Kaleidoscope
C. Kaleidoscope
This is an outdoor search for colorful eggs that accompanies a very popular spring holiday
Easter Egg Hunt
March comes in like a lion and out like a...
This is a move that gymnasts often do in floor routines.
This spreads through the air from flowers and trees, and causes Spring allergies.
This term describes the movement of birds as the weather shifts in temperature.
This is the name of the groundhog from Punxsutawney that pops out to tell us whether or not spring is near.
When is the first day of spring in 2025?
March 20th
This is the name for the type of dusting, washing windows, vacuuming, shaking out rugs, and opening windows as the weather gets warmer.
SPRING cleaning
During daylight savings time, clocks do this in the spring.
Move an hour forward
What is it called when an animal goes into their den, sleeps and will only comes out when spring begins?
This is the birthstone of April.
What does "vernal" mean?
This added layer under a mattress helps to raise your bed higher.
Finish the rhyme
April showers bring May _______
This common marshmallow treat is shaped like a chick or bunny and comes in different colors.
What pink trees flower all over high park?
Cherry Blossoms
One of the full moons of the spring months is called the flower moon. Which month can you see it?
This naturally warm body of water is typically found in the mountains and has certain health benefits.
What is a hotSPRING
This big holiday has a bunny as it's mascot.
this animal that is attracted to flowers and creates a sweet treat for us to eat, is often first spotted in the spring
This ancient figure, with the head of a person and body of a lion, was constructed facing the direction where the sun rises on the first day of spring.
The Great Sphinx
What spring holiday is the second biggest holiday of the year for flower sales and deliveries?
Mother's Day :)
phrase for when something begins to exist or when more energy is shown
SPRING to life