Morning Procedures
In the Classroom
Around the School

Where is the lunch count form located everyday?

On the black classroom library shelf

Where should any paperwork be turned in?

The blue basket on Mrs. Sylvester's desk.


Where is the nurse located?

In the main office.


Where does your backpack, coat, and lunch box belong?

Hanging on your class number hook.


What time is reading?



What is your voice level in the hallway when you are with one or two other students?

Voice Level 2


How do you know what to do in the morning?

It is written on the Smart Board slide.


Explain the pencil procedures.

If your pencil is not useable, students should return their pencil to the dull bucket and grab a sharp pencil.


What are the library procedures for checking out a book?

Return any necessary books, grab a book pal, find a book and check out. Return the book pal before going back to class.


What should your voice level be during morning procedures?

Voice Level 2 or lower


What are our bathroom procedures?

First ask yourself if it is a good time to ask to use the restroom. If it is an appropriate time, students should look to see if the B or G is available. If so, show the restroom sign. If not, wait for it to return before asking.


What are the procedures for coming inside from recess going to lunch?

When the whistle blows once, students freeze. At 3 whistles students should go to the line. When you cross the red line going inside you go to a voice level 0. Once in the lunchroom, you may talk at a voice level 2.


What time do Spring Valley doors open?



Give an example of how you can follow Rule #1 - Follow Directions Quickly.

Answers vary.


What are the life skills?

They are different character traits or things we strive to demonstrate. When a teacher sees a student demonstrating one (or more) of these life skills a teach may acknowledge that student by giving them a life skill. When a student receives 5, they can take them and visit the life skill store in the library.