Stick to the Plan
The Crew
Partnerships and Relationships
Things and Stuff

This ESF provides for timely release of accurate information to the residents and media of Springfield-Greene County in the event or an emergency/disaster.

What is ESF 15- Public Information and Warning?


This staff member forgets the first letter "r" when he is frustrated.

Who is Larry Woods?


This is the current Springfield Fire Chief.

Who is Chief David Pennington?


On April 17, 2013, an ammonium nitrate explosion occurred at the West Fertilizer Company storage and distribution facility in this state.

What is Texas?


This is a community education program that trains citizens in the skills needed to assist themselves and their neighbors during times of emergency or disaster.

What is CERT?


This EOC section is responsible for the procurement of personnel and equipment necessary for the management and recovery from a disaster.

What is Logistics?


This staff member has received several nicknames including "Casenet" and "Cornbread."

Who is Courtney Wharton?


This person is the Greene County Highway Department Director.

Who is Rick Artman?


This major disaster took place on the afternoon of Monday, May 20, 2013 in Oklahoma.

What is an EF5 Tornado in Moore Oklahoma?


This technologically advanced vehicle has the capacity to operate on its own or to provide communications support to facilities.

What is Skylab?


This ESF includes plans for radios, alert systems, and Skylab.

What is ESF 2- Communications?


This staff member was born in August?

Who is Robbin Sawyer?


This person is the Chief election official, record-keeper, and archivist for Greene County.

Who is Shane Schoeller?


These are the three types of hazards identified for Springfield-Greene County.

What is Natural, Human-caused, and Technological?


This is the OEM Motto.

What is "Others before Self?"


This section contains ESF's for Social Services, Infrastructure, and Public Safety.

What is the Operations Section?


This staff member holds a bachelor's degree in Emergency Administration and Management from Arkansas Tech University.

Who is Lisa Davis?


This organization is the primary agency for ESF-6- Mass Care and Sheltering.

Who is The American Red Cross?


According to the Springfield-Greene County Mitigation Plan, this is the greatest hazard in terms of probability, magnitude/severity, warning time, and duration.

What is flooding?


This is the OEM Vision Statement.

What is "to be the most disaster resilient community in America?"


This ESF is supported by the Local Emergency Planning Committee.

What is ESF 10- Hazardous Materials Response?


This staff member is from Little Rock Arkansas.

Who is Aubrey Hardy?


This is the organization where Dave Shaumburg works.

What is the Springfield-Branson National Airport?


As a result of this disaster, the U.S. Congress passed the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. This is legislation designed to increase the protection around federal buildings to deter future terrorist attacks.

What is the Oklahoma City Bombing?


This organization collects, monitors, and distributes information and locates and communicates the status of resources and services that have been requested by any of its affected counties.

What is the Multi-Agency Coordination Center?