According to the Guinness Book of Records, the tallest ________ grew to 7.76m high. That is as high as four men standing on each other's heads.
What is Sunflower
There are more than 600 varieties of these, each with their own size, shape, and colour.
What is Strawberries.
Is Considered the most violently toxic plant in North America
What is Spotter water-hemlock
The Ancient Romans loved this herb. In the first century AD, Pliny wrote that no salad or sauce should be served without this.
What is Parsley
The dried flowers from this plant can be sewn into a pouch and tucked under your pillow in the bed to restore restful sleep devoid of any disturbances.
What is Lavender
The worlds Largest ____________ was grown in the UK in 1986 and measured a whopping 1.1m (3ft 8in)
What is Cucumber, thats enough to make about 44 rounds of cucumber sandwiches.
It's leaves are suitable as a soup thickener
What is Musk Mallow
This plant can cause poisoning, humans have been poisoned only when the bulbs were mistaken for onions
What is Narcissus
This herb has been identified to have medicinal benefits, especially upon the whole digestive system, it settles gas and stimulates the digestion.
What is Summer Savory.
During the 1600's, these were so valuable in Holland that their bulbs were worth more than gold.
What is Tulips.
The first ___________ were cultivated in Peru about 7,000 years ago. This vegetable was one of the main foods eaten when Ireland had their famine.
What is Potatoes.
This berry can have an anti-inflammatory property that may help to reduce inflammation of the joints
What is Raspberries
It is a familiar mistletoe of Christmas, and when a large number of the berries or tea made from the berries has led to poisoning and death in humans
What is American Mistletoe
This herb was thought to cure snakebite.
What is Tarragon.
This plants bulb can be reused but to not store these in a refrigerator that contains apples, this will sterilize the bulbs.
What is Amaryllis
This vegetable was originally the colour of white, yellow, and purple. But only recently had its colour changed from crossing other colours.
What is Carrot
This berry contains highest levels of phytoestrogens, which have a possible roll in prevention of breast and cervical cancer.
What is Blackberries
This tree contains chemicals that can release hydrogen cyanide in animals. There has also been claims of children dying after ingesting an excessive number of seeds, found in the berries.
What is Black Cherry
This herb was once an important in witchcraft, and is an aphrodisiac.
What is Dill
The flower has been named after an ancient Greek god.
What is Hyacinthus
Ancient Egyptians were the first to record this process making, about 5,000 years ago.
What is Wine Making.
It's unopened flower buds can be eaten raw or used in cooking, a serving of these greens contains the same amount of calcium as half a cup of milk.
What is Dandelion
This plant contains calcium oxalate raphide crystals. When ingested, these crystals can cause severe pain and burning in the lips, mouth, and throat.
What is Jack-in-the-pulpit
In general, this herb can grow over 2 feet high but on average, will reach a height of 1 foot.
What is Oregano.
The word for this flower is derived from the Greek word narke, meaning numbness or stupor.