Research @ PSU
Controversial Physics
Astro Before & After
Physics in Pop Culture
About the Officers

This field of research is featured in the Astro department and involves an intersection of observational data and statistical methods

What is Astrostatistics?


The idea that everything is made of infinitesimal vibrating strings of energy, much much smaller than fundamental particles

What is String Theory?

This substellar object only capable of fusing hydrogen into deuterium within its core & this classification given to Pluto by the IAU in 2006.

What is Brown Dwarf Planet?


In this early 2000s sitcom TV show, the main character is a brilliant physicist studying string theory.

What is the Big Bang Theory?


This officer is often described as "Stoked to be here."

Who is Jake Rea?


This field of research that has a small research group, led by Dr. Keim, focuses on properties of non-equilibrium solutions (squishyyyy) under deformation and driving.

What is Soft Matter?


An interpretation of quantum mechanics which suggests that the wavefunction never collapses, and all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are realized in branching parallel realities

What is the Many Worlds Interpretation?


This insanely dense stellar remnant that can be observed as a pulsar & this phrase used by Carl Sagan to describe what we are all made of.

What is Neutron Star Stuff (/Dust)?


This physicist, famous for his work on relativity and black holes, made guest appearances on The Simpsons, Star Trek, and Futurama.

Who is Stephen Hawking?


This SPS officer often moonlights in one of the sexiest uniforms.

Who is Nate Hamme?


This field of Theoretical Gravitational research is being researched at Penn State as an alternative to string theory as a theory to quantize gravity. 

What is Loop Quantum Gravity?


This concept in cosmology proposes that the universe has undergone periods of rapid expansion and contraction, but it lacks the observational support of the Big Bang theory.

What is the Cyclic Universe Theory?


This equation, P2=a3, & this equation, b2=a2+c2-(2ac)cos(β).

What is Kepler's Third Law of Cosines?


In Interstellar, Romilly stays behind from Miller’s planet to study what?

What is gravity from Gargantua?


This officer is a cold beer's worst enemy.

Who is Juliette?


Featuring a device that detects neutrino oscillations at the South Pole, this experiment has researchers that analyze the data from this experiment at Penn State. 

What is IceCube?


A discrepancy between two experiments measuring the decay of a specific subatomic particle, where it seems to live longer in a beam than if it was trapped in a bottle.

What is the Neutron Lifetime Puzzle?


This phenomenon where ionized matter is shot away from a high-energy source along its axis of rotation & this NASA institution focused on robotic space exploration.

What is Astronomical/Relativistic Jet Propulsion Laboratory?


In Star Trek, the ships use this method of transportation (breaking Einstein’s theory of relativity)?

What is Warp Drive?


This officer has statistically measured the center of mass on 6 sets of all regular platonic solids, totaling over 61,000 total measurements.

Who is Cade Kellick?


This group at Penn State is seeking to perform a real-time correlation analysis of the high-energy signals across all known astronomical messengers from observatories across the globe

What is AMON?
A property of string theory that suggests everything we perceive to be in 3D is actually stored in 2D, including time.  

What is the Holographic Principle?


This hypothetical topological defect with immense length and density caused by the cosmic inflationary period & this proposed idea to solve quantum gravity that turns all particles into 1-dimensional vibrating objects, that includes the graviton.

What is Cosmic String Theory?


Referenced in Oppenheimer (2023), this physicist was Oppenheimer's doctoral advisor and developed the theory of quantum electrodynamics.

Who is Max Born?


This officer got a haircut for the first time in four years this summer.

Who is Garrett?