Our automated store options
What is comPACT, comPOUND, and arktic?
The main differentiator of the SPT liquid handling line
What is true positive displacement?
"I am rearraying and labeling 1 ml Micronic tubes manually. Need something small and fast."
What is XL9/20 + LabelPro?
Main target application for Firefly
What is Genomics?
Our CEO's name
What is Rob Walton?
The competitor we launched comPACT to go against
What is Hamilton Q Series (20/50/75)?
The volumes ranges of the Mosquito
What is 25 nl - 1.2 ul (LV) and 500 nl - 5 ul (HV)?
"....Synthace...assay development...."
What is Dragonfly Discovery 10 head?
Modules that the genomics package covers
What is the Bioshake and thermal module?
This buying role always has a high degree of influence
What is economic?
The maximum number of tubes any of our stores can accommodate
What is 200,000?
What is 400 microns?
"I am looking for easy to use liquid handling tools for my manufacturing team to fill 2 ml cryovials for our kits. Speed and accurate filling is the main concern. I hate Tecan."
What is S1, S3, PP5, Firefly, VolumeCheck?
Any 3 of the main advantages of Firefly over others
What is...
Small footprint
positive displacement
low dead volumes
dual pipetting head
non-contact dispensing = sustainability
amazing software
peer-to-peer cloud
apps support
and much more
The 5 stages of a lead in SFDC
What is open, contacted, qualified, disqualified, converted?
The modules on XL systems that must be configured at time of purchase
What is liquid handling (and recessed deck) and temperature control?
Range of number of tips on Mosquito spools
"We would like to do volume reduction for our library prep."
What is Mosquito HV Genomics and Firefly?
Total amount of deck positions (nonmodule) in Firefly plus
What is 43?
The type of plates we sell
What is LVSD, PCR, deepwell, crystallography?
The total number of XL9 and XL20 systems sold all-time (+/- 50)
What is 450?
The dead volumes for DFD reservoirs
What is 200 ul (standard) and 35 ul (low dead volume)? Recoverable!
"We are setting up a structural biology lab..."
What is
Mosquito Xtal3
Mosquito LCP
Dragonfly Crystal (and MXOne)
The coding language used for Firefly software
What is a trick question (we don't code)?
The total quotable number/variations of the Mosquito
What is 20?
Mosquito LV/HV (2 and 5 deck)
Mosquito LV/HV Genomics (2 and 5 deck)
Mosquito X1 LV/HV (2 and 5 deck)
Mosquito X1 LV/HV Genomics (2 and 5 deck)
Mosquito LCP (2 and 4 deck)
Mosquito Xtal3
Mosquito Gen3