Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Age - birth to 2 - visual pursuit and object permanence are mastered.
What is the sensorimotor period?
separating objects and pictures by differences
What is sorting?
What is supine?
this is formed when an emotional bonding occurs between an infant and a significant adult
What is attachment?
the ability to initiate and sustain interactions with others, to resolve conflicts, to develop and nurture friendships, and to accomplish interpersonal goals
What is social competence?
Age 2-7. They master symbolic play and improve their problem solving skills.
What is the preoperational period?
use a child's interests, teach turn taking, promote literacy, and introduce new skills into familiar routines
What are strategies to promote cognitive development in infant, toddlers, and preschoolers?
stomach lying
What is prone?
the means through which children become a functioning part of society and learn society's rules and values. It is a life long process.
What is socialization?
the process by which children control internal reactions to emotions as well as their outward expressions.
What is emotional regulation?
Means-end relationship and construction of objects in space
What are concepts children learn during the sensorimotor period?
the ability to transfer learning across situations, settings, materials, or people
What is generalization?
direct service, monitoring service, and consultation service
What are the three service delivery models therapists use to promote fine and gross motor skills?
1. provide a context for skill learning, 2.provide knowledge about themselves, others, and the world, 3. offer emotional and cognitive resources that children can access during their normal interactions and during times of stress, and 4. provide models for subsequent relationships
What are the functions that friendship serve in young children's social development?
the personality characteristics of the parent, situational influences on the parent, and the infant's behavioral characteristics
What 3 major elements influence parent-infant interactions?
putting objects and pictures that are alike in a group
What is matching?
use props, re-read books, use a high rate of choral responding
What are some strategies to use during story time for toddlers and preschoolers with cognitive delays?
tummy time. filling and dumping, edible finger painting
What are some strategies to promote fine motor development?
1) negative consequences sometimes change behavior, but they do not change attitude 2) only positive reinforcement strategies produce long-term attitudinal change 3) Negative consequences do not improve the behavior of impulsive children and frequently increase the frequency of their misbehavior.
What are three principles of behavior management?
1) stated positively 2) be few in number 3) be specific and simple 4) be measureable and observable
What are things that rules should be?
ordering pictures or objects according to relative differences
What is seriation?
I do, We do, You do
What is a common sequence used to teach mastery reading skills in basal programs?
use loose-fitting clothes, have child sit while dressing, use shoe with Velcro fasteners or slip on shoes, put clothes on the affected side of their body first, color code the back from the front.
What are strategies to promote adaptive skills in dressing?
requests with which a child typically complies, such as "Hands on your head"
What is a high-probability request?
class meetings and planned social training lessons
What are strategies for promoting appropriate social and emotional skills in school-aged children?