Roblox/Lie Lesson
Flight Simulator/Spy Robots
Forensics/Game Theory
Spy Terms
Secret Spy Stuff

Name the three of the five games we played in Roblox.

Blox Hunt

Hide and Seek Extreme

Super Bomb Survival

Capture the Flag Spy edition

Freeze Tag 


What did we use to build our spy robots?

Lego Mindstorm


Who was the double agent among the spies?

Agent Z


What does FBI stand for?

Federal Bureau of Investigation


Which Intelligence Agencies are US-Based? 



What did we play to put our lying skills to the test?

Among Us


What can we use the spy robot to do?

Spy on people used in where humans can't fit. 

True or False: Everyone's data is the same.



What does NSA stand for?

National Security Agency


What is Morse Code?

It is a code that spy use to use combination of dots and dashes corresponds to a letter.

What are some ways we can tell someone is lying?

Physical Clues like poor eye contact, gesture with both hand more, blinking less,

Sound of their voice etc. 


How did we control the robots?

We used code and the tablet to control the robot.

Name three type of evidence we can use to find the suspect?

Footprint/Shoe Print

DNA analysis

Handwriting Analysis

Fingerprint Analysis


What is the definition of code?

A way to hide the meaning of a message by changing it into different words, numbers, or symbols that only the recipient knows.


What does the Cipher machine do?

We used to decode secret message with shifts and alphabet.


Name 5 things you can hide as in Blox Hunt.

Box, Chair, lamp, popcorn, glasses, popcorn, campfire, soda, etc


How do we control the airplane in flight simulator?

With the mouse. 

What is game theory?

Game theory is the study of how rational people will interact given certain scenarios.


What does Counterintelligence include?

Includes the protection of agents, information, equipment, and locations from terrorism or penetration by other organizations.


What are “mobile robots”?

These are robots controlled by mobile phone using DTMF or hobby RC system. These robots are equipped with a video camera that is capable of recording or transmitting audio and video over mobile phone using 3G video calls.

Two Truth, One Lie.

I have travel outside of the United States.

I have one daughter and one son.

I love watching anime and Studio Ghibli. 

Lie: I have one daughter and one son.

What is the website we used for flight simulator?

What is the The Prisoner’s Dilemma?

Two criminals that are caught committing a crime. However, right now the police only have light evidence on them, enough to give them each 1 year in jail. If you confess, we’ll let you go free and your partner will get 15 years in jail. If they both confess however, then they will each get 10 years. If neither of them confess, then the police will have to settle for using the light evidence and they will each get only 1 year in jail.


Who is the first director of the FBI?

John Edgar Hoover


What is Spy satellite?

A satellite in space that can collect information through photographs of and electronic signals from earth.