What does it mean to pay attention?
To focus on something
How would you feel if someone is paying attention to you while you're telling a story?
Sad, hurt, annoyed
Whats one thing to do to calm down when angry?
Deep breath, count to 10
What are ways to show someone you're paying attention when talking to them?
Look at them, answer on topic, move body towards them
Good, connected to that person, happy
What is mindfulness?
Focusing attention on something, without judging it
What is one thing you can do to show someone that you want to be friends with them?
What is something to do when feeling down?
draw, talk to someone, listen to music, etc.
Why do people practice mindfulness?
It is helpful for attention and calming down.
Withdrawn, sad, etc.
Pick 5 of these you have done, 5 you would not do, and 5 you want to try