The Name of the Process we follow
What is Superpro
$ amount to be considered a minor claim.
What is $75
When a spill occurs in the Service Center
Who is ECC (1-833-VVV-Report)
Chart to be filled out every morning
What is the position chart
What is there is not one
The Person Who Builds Bottomside Cannisters
Who is Topside
Position who can handle a Minor Claim
When the Drawer is Short/Over
Who is SCM and AM
Out of a Tech, Cert. Tech, and a Sr. Tech; this person should be the CSR
Who is a Sr. Tech
What is the proper uniform
Shirt tucked in, Belt to the side, white or black undershirt, Valvoline Provided hat and Jacket
The Order of Fluids in the Topside Process
What is Transmission, Coolant, Washer, Brake, Power Steering.
Callout For Subaru
Double Check, Bay " "
Who is SCM, AM, ECC (1-833-VVV-Report)
Helping Bottomside take off a difficult skid plate
What is Topsides secondary duty
Response when the bell rings
Who's got that Greet?
The Callout for Bottomside When Getting Oil Pressure
What is 1, 2, 3, Good to Go Bay " "
Acronym used when talking to a guest
What is L.A.S.T
Store Late to Open
Is not a part of Bottomsides secondary duty
Happy to help, Open doors for guests, MOD introductions, Smile, Group Goodbyes.
Step Number 7 in the CSR Process.
What is "Ask the guest to put the vehicle in park and take their foot off the brake."
The Big 4
What is, Drain Plug tight, Correct Filter on and Tight, Correct Seconds, Correct Oil Level.
When an Injury occurs
Who is 911 if necessary, SCM, AM, ECC (1-833-VVV-Report)
At a 2 Bay Service Center, all bays are full with cars waiting behind each bay. Bay 1 is ready to leave, but the next car in line for service is behind Bay 2. The customer in Bay 2 just bought a tire rotation and a gearbox service.
What should happen next.
What is repositioning and communicating with the guest.
Our Vision Statement
What is People. Cars. Greatness