SRA & Senior Staff Roles/Points
Key Locations
Policies & Procedures
Emergency Protocols
Administrative Details

The days of holiday pay for duty

When are Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve/Day, New Years Eve/Day?


Location of the Bulletin board lock in griffin hall

What is the lock-box in the RLC office?


Protocol for lost items after one week

What is given to police and disposed of or donated after 30 days. 


Protocol for a severe weather warning

What is communicating with residents and ensure they are in safe areas. 


The role of the Resource Room for RAs/SRA

Where is the location of all craft supplies, decorations, and other programming items

Distance that Senior Staff can be away from the UV for

What is 30 minutes?


The location for problem packages, colored paper, and mailboxes

Where is the Work Room


Guidelines for using the Piano Room

No use during office or quiet hours; locked during finals.


Steps to take during a power outage

What is report the outage, use emergency lighting, check for residents needing assistance, keep residents informed, and report the outage to maintenance?


The address for both Peregrine and Griffin Halls

Where are 

Griffin: 2440 173rd Street, Hammond, IN 46323

Peregrine: 2330 173rd Street, Hammond, IN 46323


At least 3 times when Director on Duty is called (Who to Call When)

Transported Residents, Arrested Residents, Sexual Assaults/Domestic Violence, Suicidal Ideations/Attempts, Emergency Maintenance (Safety Equipment), Fires, Bomb Threats, Fights, Power Outage.


Location of the Assistant Director/Suzetteā€™s Office and its role

Where is the First floor of Peregrine Hall; supervises RLCs and desk operations. 


Policy regarding comfort or support animals in residence halls?

What are service animals are allowed with prior approval; non-service animals are not allowed unless approved by the PNW Accessibility Center?


The first step to take during a fire alarm as an RA

What is evacuate the building immediately and proceed to the front desk to retrieve fire cards?


Graduate Community Rooms with Alcohol Exception

Where is the Graduate Community - 400-403


Meetings SRAs attend

- CA Meetings

- RA Meetings

- Senior Staff Meetings

- 1:1


The room numbers/locations of the RLCs

Where are 143 (Viv) and 125 (Ger)


Done if a front desk staff member fails to show up for their shift

What is document the absence, inform the Senior Staff, and arrange for coverage as needed (either yourself or an available staff member)?


The resident evacuation points for fires.

Where are 

  • Griffin Hall: Lawn in front of Peregrine Hall.

  • Peregrine Hall: Back parking lot.


Information that must be included in the Senior Staff Duty Log email

What are major incidents, desk issues, and any significant concerns. 


At least 3 times when Senior Staff is called (Who to Call When)

What are Drugs, Alcohol (more than basic situations), Fights, Uncooperative Residents/Guests, Ban Guests, Keying into rooms, Sexual Assaults/Domestic Violence, Suicidal Ideations/Attempts, Emergency Maintenance (Safety Equipment, Fires), Bomb Threats, CA/RHS no shows, Encoding/Encoder issues.


Purpose of Griffin Hall Room 334 and its reservation policy

What is an event room with projector; reserve 2 weeks in advance/agreeing to terms 


Steps for when a resident wants to give permission for another resident to enter their room

What are:

- SS gives Assistant Director a heads up

- Resident sends email with all details (time date location who what when where) to Assistant Director with Friend CC'ed giving permission to enter room

- Assistant Director authorizes it and tells SS to go ahead

- Senior Staff go to room with friend and watches them get what was agreed to


Steps done if a resident is reported to have a contagious disease

What is isolate the resident and notify the health services immediately?


Key phrase of the year from Chancellor Holford