i am the current president of nigeria
who is bola ahmed tinubu?
the currency used in ghana
what is cedi?
t or f : canada is the largest country in the world
false. it is the second largest
noah's sons
who were shem, ham and japhet
a fruit that is long and purple with a green stem
what is eggplant?
largest ethnic group
what is hausa / fulani?
cloth that is handmade in ghana
what is kente?
the animal on the toonie
what is a polar bear
the snake that saved people
what is the copper serpent (numbers 21 : 6-9)
this vegetable has more vitamin c than oranges
what is pepper
since 2000, what disease has killed a quarter million nigerians?
what is HIV/AIDS?
the two main exports of ghana
what are gold and cocoa?
the biggest province
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esther replaced me as queen
who is vashti
the most popular juice
what is orange juice
the largest nigerian state by surface area. (nicknamed the power state)
what is niger state
what year did ghana get indipendence
the date canada celebrates as it's birthday
what is july 1st
the people in the bible that never died
enoch and elijah. bonus - melchizedek (hebrews 7 : 3)
the most stolen food in the world
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nigeria's most important export when it was a british colony
what is palm oil?
a food made of a whitish paste, served with soup or with fish
what is banku?
he is the official head of canada
who is king charles III
what were giants called
what are the nephilim (genesis 6 : 4)
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