41781 + 53984
what is 95765
A period is at the end of the sentence.
Does a period go before or after a sentence?
H20 is Hydrogen and water.
What do you get when you add hydrogen and water
In Spanish, defenestration is defenestración
What is defenestration in Spanish?
Supercalifragilisticexpiolodocious is not an official word, therefore not in the dictionary.
Is Supercalifragilisticexpiolodocious in the dictionary?
745 x 356
What is 265220
The period goes inside the quotation marks if the comma was before the dialogue started.
Elephant toothpaste is explosive when mixed with hydronoxide.
How does Elephant toothpste get explosive?
Como estas.
How do you say " How are you" in Spanish.
What does triskaidekaphobia mean?
8262 divided by 18
What is 459?
A base word that ends with a consonant is only doubled when it has one syllable, has no vowels in a row, and ends in a consonant.
What base words have two consonants when a suffix is added
Activator is used to make slime less sticky and gooey.
How does activator help slime?
Como se dice? Means how do you say.
What does the phrase, " Como se dice" mean?
The Oxford Dictionary has the most words, with 600,000 words.
What dictionary has the most words, and how many does it have?
5x + 8 - (3x8) = 14
With all the information from above, x=6
In the problem 5x + 8 - (3x8) = 14. what is x?
"cake" is a vowel consonant e word (v_e
What is a vowel consonant e word?
Water freezes from 2.5-3 hours.
How long does it take for water to freeze?
How do you say greeting in Spanish?
The word "Domestic" was mainly used in the 1500s
When was the word "Domestic' most commonly used?
2x + (3x8) + 83 - 7 = 159
What is x?
A. “Your true soul and body appear before me.”
B. “Whoever you are, now I place my hand upon you, that you be my poem.”
C. “I should have made my way straight to you long ago.”
D. “Whoever you are, I fear you are walking the walks of dreams.”
The correct choice is A.
“To You” is an 1856 poem by Walt Whitman. In the poem, Whitman suggests that he deeply understands the reader, whom he addresses directly, writing, ______:
Which quotation from “To You” most effectively illustrates the claim?
A) Albert Einstein
B) Galileo Galilei
C) Sir Isaac Newton
D) Nikola Tesla
The concept of gravity was discovered by C, Sir Isaac Newton.
The concept of gravity was discovered by which famous physicist?
Ella vive en Argentina, is " She lives in Argentina" in Spanish.
How do you say, or, como se dice, "She lives in Argentina" in Spanish?
A n t i d i s e s t a b l i s h m e n t a r i a n i s m
How do you spell Antidisestablishmentarianism?