When did the first people come into the Ohio Country and from where?
about 15,000 years ago -entering the Great Lakes area from Canada
what does the term Archaic mean
making large amounts of goods in factories
to move from one place to another
business of growing crops and raising livestock, which also creates jobs is known as
this was used to carve spear points and was crucial to the early settlers survival
Name 3 crops that the Archaic people farmed?
Name 2 improvements to tools that helped early people in the Ohio Country
grinding stone
scientists who study the way people lived in the past
Why are there fewer wetlands?
they have been drained to to make space for farms, cities and buildings
why did the first people probably migrate to North America and what 2 things were they known as?
to hunt, tracking herds of large animals
hunters and gatherers
****Daily Double****
About what year did trade begin between early Ohio tribes and other distant peoples?
8,000 BC
Name 3 large animals that walked the earth during the Ice Age or prehistoric times?
mastodon, mammoth
saber toothed cat
giant beaver
An object made or used by people who lived in the past
The way a country or other place produces our uses natural resources, goods and services
3 characteristics about hunter-gatherers (how they lived, homes and how they got food)
*hunted with spears
*lived in tents made of animal skins and tree bark
*used flint for tools and stone points
*moved often to hunt animals
How did archaeologists know that Archaic people were traders?
They found artifacts made of copper, sea shells and silver that are not found in Ohio
Name 5 tools that the Paleo-Indians used
grinding stone tools
hook shaped stick taht launched the spears into the air at faster speeds
Name the 4 economic regions of Ohio
Name 2 ways that the first people came to North America?
1. walking from Asia across the land bridge -Beringia to North America
2. by boat along the Pacific Coast to North America
Name 4 differences of the Archaic tribes from the Paleo in terms of the ways that they lived (Remember this is after the climate warmed and the ground thawed)
*built huts in villages-near fields and water
*farmed food
*stored food, dried food
*traded with other tribes
*made jewelry and other decorative objects
What is the small line of hills called that run from east to west across Ohio and lakes and river to its north drain into Lake Erie those south of it drain into the Ohio River
The Ohio Divide
the land bridge that connects Asia with North America and is now under sea water
Name the 5 landform regions of Ohio
Unglaciated Appalachian Plateau
Glaciated Appalachian Plateau
Lake Plains
Till Plains
Lexington Plains