What shirts can you wear on Friday?
Bradford spirit shirts or house shirts
What is the most important thing to remember with your iPad?
They need to be charged!!!
Where is the Do-Now located?
What should you do if you're thirsty in class?
Go fill up you waterbottle (if you have a waterbottle)
How much is homework worth?
10% of your overall grade
What color shirts should you wear Monday-Thursday?
Navy, Light Blue, or Hunter Green polo shirts
Where should your phone be while at school?
In your bookbag- off or silenced.
Where do you complete your Do-Now each day?
In your Social Studies Notebook.
Bonus: In your seat
When should you NOT pack up in this class?
Before Mrs. Hanline says or while she is talking
True/False: You will have HW every night in Social Studies.
What shoes are not allowed at Bradford?
Flip-flops or Slides
True/False: You can use your phone if it is to text a parent or guardian.
Why is it important to always complete your Do-Now question?
They will be on the test and they can be counted as a grade.
How do we dismiss from S.S.?
25 points
What color pants are approved at Bradford?
Navy or Khaki
How do you use your iPad when needing to go to the restroom?
Take it to the bulletin board, scan the QR code, leave it on the table by the door, then when you return, scan yourself back in and return to your seat.
What should you do if you get the Do-Now question wrong?
Fix your answer when we go over it as a class.
What do you do if you need something from the shelves?
ASK before you get it.
How many points do you get taken off an assignment when it's 2 day late?
50 points
What's the rule for headgear at Bradford?
No hats, toboggans, beanies, bandanas, or headbeads with items protruding from the head.
Bonus: It also says in this section no headphones in the ears during the day.
What happens if your electronic is confiscated?
It is given to Mr. Kadir
What do you need include in your notebook when doing the Do-Now?
Date, Question, Answer
Bonus: Fix the answer when we go over it if you got it wrong.
List all the materials you need to have for Social Studies.
Agenda, Writing Utensil, Notebook, Folder, Charged iPad, Mask
Bonus: Willingness to learn and participate!
Summative: 30%
Formative: 60%
Homework: 10%