What is a manor
a large area of land owned by one landowner
What are the 2 types of farms NY had
small farms and manors
What is a surplus
growing or having more of something to store
Define services
work that is done for others
Define goods
a product someone makes
Define apprentice
someone who agrees to work under someone and learn how to do a skill
Was there running water or electricity in the homes during the 1700s
Was schooling free
Define merchant
person who sells goods
Did boys or girls usally go to school longer
boys did
Define export and import
export-send goods out, import bring goods in
Name 3 chores young boys did in the 1700s
gather eggs, milk cows, cut wood, herd cows, harvest crops
What was 1 important way NY made a living
Name 3 chores a young girl in the 1700s would have to do
make meals with mom, gather eggs, milk the cows, wash clothes
What did NY export (name 3)
fur, wheat, flour, wood, fish and vegtables
What was the game the young children use to play called
hoop and stick
Why did the Dutch have such a hard time in school
they spoke a different language
Who opened the first African American school
Elias Neau
Where did NY get fur from
native Americans
Name 3 things Ny colonist did for fun
sang, danced, played instruments
What did Richard Nicolls declare about schooling
that the english language must be taught
What rare goods did Great Britain supply (name 3)
books, sugar, tea, spices, pottery
Where was the first ever chocolate factory opened
2 largest cities NY had in 1700s
ny city & albany
in church