Books of the Holy Bible
Creation and Abraham
Isaac to Joseph

Who were the writers of the Bible and 

What stood behind the writers

Writers- Prophets, Kings and Disciples ofJesus

The Holy Spirit stood behind the writers of the Bible


Where is the Kauma " Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty by whose Glory, heaven and earth are full , Hosanna in the Highest" taken from in the bible?

Isaiah 6:3


What was Gods covenant with Abraham that was done as a ritual and how old was the child before this was done


8th day of age


What were Moses parents name?

What is the meaning of Moses?

Amran and Jochebed of the tribe of Levi

Drawn out of water


The crossing of the Red Sea is likened to what sacrament

The Holy Baptism


What were the visions revealed from God to the people who wrote the Bible

Creation of the Universe

The Origin of Mankind

The Begining of Sin and Suffering in the world

Gods way of Salvation


Why was Cain jealous of Abel?

What did Cain do to Abel because of his jealousy?

God was pleased with the offerings of Abel and not of Cain

Cain killed his brother Abel


Who did Isaac marry and what were the names of his sons?

Rebecca daughter of Bethuel

Esau and Jacob


How many members of Josephs family settled in Egypt

Why did Moses kill the Egyptian?


Because he was beating up a fellow Israelite


What did Moses use in Marah to change the bitter water to sweet 

What does this signify?

A tree

The tree refers to Jesus, he came down to the world to remove the biterness of sin and death and to give us everlasting life


How was the Holy Bible divided into 2 parts

And how many books total were there in the bible and in each part of the bible

Old Testament- Gods dealings upto the coming of Jesus Christ

New Testament- Gods works through Jesus Christ

Bible has 73 books- Old Testament 46

                                    New Testament 27


Name the sons of Noah

Why did God bring the floods in the time of Noah?

Shem, Hamand and Japheth

Because of all the evil among men, Noah was the only just and good man


What was the name of the place that Jacob slept and had a dream or vision?

What was the vision or dream Jacob had?


There was a ladder from the ground up to the heavens with angels ascending and descending, then God appeared to Jacob saying "I am the Lord, the God of Abrahamand Isaac, the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants"


Who brought Moses up in the Pharoahs palace and who nursed him?

Pharoahs daughter and nursed by his mother


Write 5  of the 10 commandments

I am the Lord your God, you shall not have any other Gods before me

You shall not make yourself a graven image or anything that is in heaven above or in earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain

Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy

Honor your Father and your Mother

You shall not kill

You shall not commit adultery

You shall not steal

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

You shall not covet anything that is your neighbors


What is the difference between the Orthodox Bible and the Protestant Bible that we use?

Orthodox bible has 73 books-Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach and Baruch 

are not in the protestant bible and Psalms has an extra chapter Psalm 151

Protestant Bible- 66 books and Psalms 150 chapters


What was the name of the place where the evil people planned to build a tower and name the tower they planned to build?

How was God able to foil that plan?

Shinmar, Tower of Babel

God created so many languages that they were not able communicate with each other and hence could not build the tower


What were the names of the sons of Jacob and what did they represent?

At the birth of which son did Rachel, Jacobs wife die?

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Isaachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher

They represent the 12 tribes of Israel



What happened to the Burning Bush?

What did God say to Moses from the Burning Bush

It was burning but not consumed

God said " Moses, Moses, do not come near, put off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is Holy ground"


On what were the two tablets of the 10 commandments placed and in what tent?

Ark of the Covenant in the Tent of meeting


The story of Noahs Ark and the Floods is described in which chapter of which book in the Bible

7 th chapter of the 1st book of the bible Genesis


What does Abraham mean?

How old was Abraham when he had Isaac?

Father of Many nations

100 years old


How much money did Joseph's brother sell him for?

What was Pharoahs dream and how did Joseph interpret it to come true?

Twenty sheckels of silver

There were 7 fine and fat cows coming from the Nile, after that 7 gaunt and ugly cows

There were 7 plump and good heads of grain on one stalk, then 7 thin and blight heads sprang up and swallowed the 7 plump heads

After 7 years of plenty, there will 7 years of famine


What were the plaques sent by God on Egypt

Water of Nile turned to Blood

The land was filled with Frogs

The dust of the Earth became gnats

The land was filled with swarms of flies

All their cattle died

Boils came on the Egyptians

Hail rained on Egypt

The land was filled with locusts

Darkness for 3 days

All the First born sons in Egypt were killed


Where did God call Moses to build a sanctuary for God to dwell in their midst?

Mount Sinai