
An area set aside for Native Americans




A cowhand of hispanic origins


African American regiment of the Union during the Civil War, they became famous for their courage and sacrifice

54th Massachusetts 


Compromise of 1850

 People had different views on slavery and even threatened to leave the Union because of it, so this compromise was formed. It said that California would be a free state but any new territory would allow slavery. It stated that slave trade, but not slavery itself, would be banned in Washington, D.C. This was all Henry Clay’s plan. He also pushed for stricter fugitive slave law and congress had a heated debate about it. Senator Stephen A. Douglass of Illinois solved this problem by dividing Clay's plan into parts that could be voted on separately.


Government opened “unassigned” land in the Indiana territory and settlers rushed to claim land. Caused confusion and legal issues over land. Was the last chapter in western settlement

Oklahoma Land Rush


A discussion between and employer and union representatives of workers over wages, hours, and working conditions for the Union as a whole

Collective bargaining


Hiram Revels & Joseph Rainey

First African Americans to serve in government


Explain the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendmets

The 13th amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.

The 14th amendment allowed Anyone born on American soil citizenship.

The 15th amendment allowed African Americans to vote.


What's important about Lincoln Stevens, Ida Tarabell, and Upton Sinclair?

Lincoln Steffens: worked for McClure’s Magazine; there he exposed corrupt machine politics in NYC and other cities

Ida Tarbell: worker for McClure’s Magazine; described the oil trust’s unfair practices. Her articles increased the public call for government to take charge of big businesses

Upton Sinclair: Wrote “The Jungle”, a book exposes the horrors of the meat industry; some of these include the mistreatment of workers and filthy working conditions; His book caused Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906

These 3 people contributed to the social reforms movement. They exposed corruption and increased the public call so much to the point that the government took charge of big businesses. This caused food and medicine to be accurately labeled (food that might cause harm could not be sold).