What was the result of the first Crusade that ended in 1099?
The Crusaders captured Jerusalem.
The main work of members of a parliament is to
make laws
During the Black Death, when surviving serfs asked for higher wages, how did manor lords respond?
They passed laws that limited the wages of serfs and wouldn't let them move to different manors.
Pope Gregory VII and Holy Roman emperor Henry IV initially disagreed about
who had the right to choose bishops for land grants.
The ancestors of William the Conqueror were Viking raiders whose descendants became know as
In addition to deaths caused by the disease, how did the bubonic plague affect medieval society?
*towns and villages were abandoned
*Manors experienced a shortage of workers
What impact did the Crusades have on Jews and Muslims in Europe?
Attacks on Jews and Muslims increased
Which statements correctly describe Cordoba in the tenth century?
It had a great library and many mosques.
"No person shall be...deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
Which of the following first establised the basis for these rights?
the Magna Carta
was no longer considered part of the Church.
The Concordat of Worms was a compromise between the Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire that allowed Holy Roman emperors to
grant land to bishops.
Why did conflict arise between Henry II and Thomas Becket?
Becket supported the authority of the Church over the monarchy.
What statement about salvation represents a belief of John Calvin and not of Martin Luther?
God predetermines who will be saved.
What idea emerged as a result of the Protestant Reformation is also reflected in modern democratic governments?
*religious tolerance
The astronomer Copernicus challenged traditional beliefs by suggesting that
the Earth moves around the sun.
Francis Bacon's contribution to the development of the scientific method was
using specific facts to make general rules.
The heliocentric theory is the idea that
The sun is at the center of the solar system.
What were the 95 Theses?
an argument by Martin Luther challenging the authority of the Catholic Church
John Calvin set up a theocracy, a government that is ruled by
religious leaders.
What is the major reason that Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance?
City-states in Italy were centers of trade and commerce.
What was the edict of Nantes important?
It made Catholicism the religion of France, but allowed Huguenots freedom of religion.
Renaissance architects designed structures that were considered beautiful because of their
harmony and proportion.
What was Johannes Gutenburg's main achievement?
He invented printing that used movable type.
What was the original goal of the leaders of the Reformation?
to fix corruption and problems int he Catholic Church.
"The Black Death originated in Asia and swept westward along trade routes. It was spread by the fleas on rates and people infected with the disease."
What context clues in that passage relates to the reason that Italy was one of the first places in Europe to be affected by the Black Death?
"swept westward along trade routes"