Important People
Bonus Question

According to B.F. Skinner's theories, which of the following should be used to increase the frequency of behavior?

A. Latent Learning

B. Positive Reinforcement

C. Punishment

B. Positive Reinforcement


Between circa 1820 and 1840, the growing economy of the United States relied primarily on which of the following for transportation of goods between regions?

A. The extensive system of roads that had been installed by the British before the American Revolution

B. A new system of roads and railroads built by the federal government of the United States

C. Privately built roads and railroads as well as water transport, including canals

D. The postal service that had been established under the Articles of Confederation

C. Privately built roads and railroads built by the federal government of the United States


The main one of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to provide.

A. Public work relief to young men during the Great Depression.

B. Economic recovery assistance for farmers affected by the Dust Bowl.

C. Financial assistance to United States citizens above the age of 65.

D. Opportunities for civilians on the home front to help the European war effort.

A. Public work relief to young men during the Great Depression.


Which of the following best describes the Eastern Woodland peoples such as the Iroquois and Algonquin before European colonization?

A. Hunter-Gatherers who had no knowledge of settled agriculture

B. Pastoralists who herded large numbers of domesticated animals

C. Maritime people who primarily relied on fishing

D. Agriculturalists who supplemented their diet with hunting and gathering

D. Agriculturalists who supplemented their diet with hunting and gathering


Which of the following issues caused both the Whig and Democratic Parties to split internally in the 1850s along sectional lines?

A. The legalized of labor unions

B. The extension of slavery to newly acquired territories

C. The cost of acquiring the Louisiana Territory

D. The incorporation of Canadian provinces into the federal system of the United States

B. The extension of slavery to newly acquired territories


The enchantment of the New Deal programs in the 1930s could be best characterized as reflecting a popular belief that.

A. Free-market policies were sufficient to restore economic prosperity in the United States.

B. The Interstate Commerce Act was ineffective and should be repealed.

C. The federal government should provide assistance to people in times of economic distress.

D. Keynesian economic principles were immediately effective in times of economic depression.

C. The federal government should provide assistance to people in times of economic distress.


Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were all advocates for the claim that 

A. Women should be encouraged to consume alcohol in public

B. Women should be granted the same voting rights as men

C. Women should be allowed to enlist in the armed services

D. Women should receive equal pay for the same work done by men

B. Women should be granted the same voting rights as men

Which of the following was an immediate cause of the sale of the Louisiana Territory to the United States in 1803?

A. The French feared that the United States would ally with the Spanish to invade the territory.

B. The British threatened to invade France if they did not reduce the size of their empire.

C. The French could no longer afford the territory after the loss of its sugar colonies in the Caribbean.

D. The Spanish preferred the United States as an immediate neighbor in North America to the French.

C. The French could no longer afford the territory after the loss of its sugar colonies in the Caribbean. 


“You may well ask: 'Why direct action? Why sit ins, marches and so forth? Isn't negotiation a better path?' You are quite right in calling for negotiation. Indeed, this is the very purpose of direct action.

Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored."

Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from the Birmingham Jail (1963)

Of the following, which is a strategy reflected in the passage above that the Civil Rights movements used to obtain racial quality?

A. Repudiation of the passage of civil rights legislation in the 1950s

B. Violent confrontation to destroy patterns of segregation in the South.

C. Peaceful civil disobedience to obtain social change.

D. Alliance with foreign critics of the United States’ record of racial discrimination.

C. Peaceful civil disobedience to obtain social change.


The post-Second World War United States foreign policy that called for supporting European countries against communist invasions or communist revolutions was the:

A. Truman Doctrine

B. Marshall Plan

C. Roosevelt Corollary

D. Monroe Doctrine

A. Truman Doctrine


Which of the following caused Spanish, British, and French forces to fight wars in North America prior to the American Revolution? Select all that apply.

A. Disputes about controlling territory in the colonies

B. Religious and cultural differences among colonists of different nationalities

C. Competition for mineral resources, particularly gold and silver

D. International tensions caused by competing alliances among the three nations

A. Disputes about controlling territory in the colonies

B. Religious and cultural differences among colonists of different nationalities

D. International tensions caused by competing alliances among the three nations