Name the three branches of government and their jobs(pronounced correctly)
executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch)
to choose by voting
Who is the head of the state level executive branch?
the governor
U.S President
Joseph Biden
What are the qualifications of a president?
1. born in the U.S
2. 35 years old or older
3. Live in the U.S for 14 years
4. Be a citizen of the U.S
Who is the head of the executive branch and how long is their term?
the president and 4 years
A member of the country
What is the Job of a mayor?
The mayor makes sure the city runs well
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U.S Vice president
Kamala Harris
Who is the U.S vice president-elect?
JD vance
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Which 2 groups make up congress? (Legislative branch)
Senate and House of representatives
Constitution of the U.S
A set of laws for our country
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What are some of the local government services?
firefighters, police officers, public school teachers, garbage men etc.
N.Y Governor
Kathy Hochul
Who are the two senators of New York?
Chuck Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand
How many senators are there? How many representatives in the house are there?
100 senators (2 per state). 435 representatives
a government run by the people who live in it
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How are the people who work for the local government paid?
by the taxes citizens pay
U.S president-elect
Donald Trump
What number president is Joe Biden?
How many justices are there?
A judge in the supreme court. They are chosen by the president and serve for life.
What is a county?
An area that holds several communities
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N.Y.C Mayor
Eric Adams
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Which county do we live in?
Kings County
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