What dose duty mean?
A thing everyone has to do in the US.
What does Responsibility mean?
It is something you can do but don't have to.
What is the main role of the executive branch?
To enforce laws.
What is the main purpose of the Judaical branch?
To interpret the law.
What is the main job of the legislative branch?
Make laws.
what happens if you don't do a duty?
You will ether go to jail or get a fine or a warning.
What will happen if you don't do a responsibility?
Nothing you don't have to do them if you don't want to.
Which article of the Constitution deals with the executive branch?
2nd artical
Which article of the Constitution deals with the Judicial branch?
Article 3.
Which article of the Constitution deals with the Legislative branch?
1st artical
If called do you have to attend the draft?
Yes since it is a Duty you have to do it.
Is jury duty a Responsibility
No it is a Duty
When the Pres. calls Congress into a special session, does he set the agenda?
Who created the Judaical branch?
The founding fathers created the Judaical branch.
How meny senators are there, and how many does each state get?
There are 100 senators, and each state get two
Is Jury duty,Obeying laws, and paying Taxes a Duty?
Yes you have to do all of those.
Is Voting,Community service, and Respecting the rights of others a responsibility
Yes they are all responsibility's.
What are the 3 Constitutional qualifications for the president?
The qualifications are native born, 35 years of age, and 14 years as citizen of the U.S.
What are all the courts systems for the Judicial branch?
the courts consist of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, the circuit courts, and the district courts.
How meny representatives are there, and how are they elected?
There are 435 representatives, and by the states population.
What are 5 examples of duties?
What are 5 examples of Responsibility's?
Besides the President's own personality and the Supreme Court's reluctance to settle conflicts between the legislative and executive, what else has led to the enormous increase in the power of the presidency?
Events or crises-----Wars, Great Depression, Nuclear Age, War on Terror, Our Current Economic Crisis
What are all the courts systems order starting from the bottom
The courts order are the district courts, the circuit courts, the Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court.
How is a bill passed through the Legislative branch, and Under what circumstances can the vice president vote?
Both the Senate and the House must pass the same bill by a majority vote, and When there is a tie in the Senate