European countries
Leading up to revolution
Developing Country
Early Gov't

Which 2 European countries led the competition in navigating and expanding trade routes in the 1400’s and into the 1500’s?

Spain and Portugual


What tribes made up the Iroquois Confederacy? Where were they located in North America? Whose side did they take in the French and Indian War?

Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and the Seneca. They took the side of the British because the French became allies with Iroquois Confederacy's enimies and marched them through Iroquois land.


How did the framers at the Constitutional Convention attempt to deal with the issue of slavery in the U.S.?

They created the 3/5ths Compromise


Which political parties developed after Washington left office? Which advocated for having a strong federal government? Which advocated for a limited federal government and stronger state governments?

Democratic-Republicans - limited federal gov't, Thomas Jefferson was the founder

Federalists - Strong federal gov't, Alexander Hamilton founded the party


Who was the first president? What precedents did he form?

George Washington

Precedents were only to be called Mr. President, the President is only to serve two terms, the President forms their cabinet, and delivers farewell letters to their people.


What were the 3 G’s that explorers sought to spread or gain for themselves during the Age of Exploration?

Glory, Gold, and God


What was the Sugar Act? What parts made colonists angry?

The Sugar Act was an act put on many goods such as molassas. This act made colinists angry because they lost the right to trial by jury. The court was held by british solders and there was no colonial precence as well as no sympathy for the colonists.


Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? The Constitution?

Thomas Jefferson

James Maddison


What was the purpose of the separation of powers? Which 3 branches were formed to make this happen?

- To keep the gov't from gaining too much power

- Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch


Who was the 2nd president of the U.S.? What did he tell Congress after the X, Y, and Z affair?

John Adams

"Prepare for war."


What was the middle passage? What were some of the terrible conditions faced by Africans during this journey to the New World?

- A shipping path of slaves across the Atlantic that brought slaves to the "New World"

- Mistreated, had poor sanitation, and many died


What was the Stamp Act? How did colonists respond to this act?

The Stamp Act was a tax put on all printed goods that colonists aquired. Colonists boycotted, burned effigies of tax collectors and other british people for example the king of England.


Why was Washington chosen to preside over the Constitutional Convention?

 He was extremely idolized and had tons of trust from the people of the early United States.


Which groups were not present nor part of the political process when the country was first established?

Democratic republicans and federalists.


How did Alexander Hamilton die?

vice president to Andrew Jackson, Aaron Burr killed him


What was the Columbian Exchange

The process which plants, animals, diseases, people, and ideas traveled from the "New World" to other countries and vice versa


What were the Coercive / Intolerable Acts and its parts? Why were these put in place?

The Intorerable acts were a set of acts created to punnish the people of massachusetts because of The Boston Tea Party. These acts were put in place until the colonists payed off the debts of The Boston Tea Party. These acts included sending british millitary presance in Massachusetts, having to house troops in your home, shutting down the port of Boston, and banning town meetings


Who proposed the Great Compromise? What would happen to the country’s new legislature?

Rodger Sherman of Connecticut. It proposed the two-house lawmaking body made up of the Senate and House of Representatives. This is also known as the binomial legislature.


What was the first government of the U.S.

Articles of Confederation


What did the Louisiana Purchase do to the size of the U.S.? How much did we pay for it? Who did we buy it from? (Leader and Country)

- It doubled the size of the country

- 15 Million dollars for the entire territory

- Napoleon of France


Why were Britain and France competing for control of the Ohio River Valley? What did this competition lead to? Who wins?

They were competing over the fur trade. This lead to the French and Indian War aka The Seven Years War. The British won with the war with the help of The Native Americans.


Why could Paul Revere’s engraving of the Boston Massacre be considered propaganda?

It did not show the whole story of the events that occurred during the Boston mascure. It even showed the redcoats smiling as they fired upon the collonists.


Name and explain the 3 parts of the Constitution. What are the first 10 amendments called?

- Preamble the introduction of the Constitution

- Articles explain how the gov't is structured and how it can be changed

-Amendments the changes to the constitution

-The Bill of rights


how was judicial review formed

the Marbury vs Maddison case


How did President James Monroe prevent other European countries from starting new colonies in either North or South America?

He wrote the Monroe Doctrine