Early settlements
(Jamestown, Plymouth, New Amsterdam)
Relationships with Natives
Life in Colonial America

In what state is Plymouth located in? 



What pulled people to settle in Jamestown? What were they hoping to find?



This native American women was the daughter of Wahunsenaca (also known as Powhatan), the powerful chief of the Powhatans, a Native American group that inhabited the Chesapeake Bay region and also ended up marrying english settler John Rolfe  



What was the Transatlantic Slave Trade? 

The international trade of goods and enslaved people between Europe, Africa, and the Americas (North America, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean).


Name 3 examples of push factors. 

Name 3 examples of pull factors.

Push Factors:

  • Lack of jobs or opportunities.
  • Absence of good educational institutes.
  • Poor medical care.
  • Poverty.
  • Famine or drought.
  • War and political conflicts.
  • Religious or political persecution.
  • Natural disasters.

Pull Factors:

  • Employment opportunities.
  • Higher income.
  • Better working conditions and facilities.
  • Educational opportunities.
  • Higher living standards.
  • Better public services.
  • Religious freedom.
  • Freedom of expression.

What river were Dutch settlers in New Amsterdam looking to make money through the fur trade on?

Hudson River 


New Amsterdam was originally settled by who? How did it eventually become New York? 

the Dutch

In 1664, the English took over New Amsterdam and renamed it New York after the Duke of York. ( No battle).


What did Europeans bring to the New World that led to the death of most Native American Communities? 



Which colonial region had the most amount of enslaved people and why? 

Because the climate and soil of the South were suitable for the cultivation of commercial (plantation) crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo, slavery developed in the southern colonies on a much larger scale than in the northern colonies


Name 3 things that were exchanged from Old World to New World (and vice versa) 

Use photo 


Salem is about 20 miles North of this major city


Explain one reason why the pilgrims chose to come to the new world. Is this example a push or pull factor and why? 

 In September 1620, the Pilgrims were among the 101 passengers on the ship Mayflower. The Pilgrims were going to America because they wanted to be free to follow their own religious beliefs. 

Push- people in England could be punished for their religious beliefs.

Pull- religious freedom in America 


In 1624, the Lenape “sold” Manahatta to Peter Minuit, director of the Dutch settlement, for sixty guilders  worth of trade goods.How much US dollars was this worth at the time?



What type of people founded the Salem colony? What was life like in Salem before the trials?

Puritians- English Protestants 

Strict, isolated, constant fighting with Natives and French, harsh winters, relationship between villagers and towns people were strained.


What is the difference between a primary and secondary source? Name one example of each.

Primary Source: a source that provides direct or firsthand evidence (created by someone who was there) about an event, object, person, or work of art (ex: The Diary of Anne Frank, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, the Constitution, etc.)

Secondary Source: a source that was produced after an event or time period that provides interpretation, summary, analysis, and/or a description of primary sources from that period 


Christopher Columbus' first voyage was to modern day Haiti and the Dominican Republic. What is the name of this island?



Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America. What was the first permanent Spanish settlement in North America?

St. Augustine, FL


Which Native Community was in the same region as the Jamestown settlement?



Name one benefit of mercantilism to the mother country and one benefit or mercantilism to the colonies. 

Benefits to the mother country:

1.Control over North America’s natural resources; used to manufacture goods and make money 

Benefits to the colonies:

1.Protection of British citizens, particularly regarding shipping (British navy was very powerful)

2. Favorable payment for businesses that supplied the navy


What is the definition of a colony?

Colony (n): a country or area under full or partial control of another country, often a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country


Why was the site of Jamestown picked?

The site for Jamestown was picked for several reasons, all of which met criteria the Virginia Company, who funded the settlement, said to follow in picking a spot for the settlement. The site was surrounded by water on three sides (it was not fully an island yet) and was far inland; both meant it was easily defensible against possible Spanish attacks. The water was also deep enough that the English could tie their ships at the shoreline - good parking! The site was also not inhabited by the Native population.


What was the Mayflower Compact and why was it created? 

The Mayflower Compact was a set of rules for self-governance established by the English settlers who traveled to the New World on the Mayflower.  Knowing life without laws could prove catastrophic, colonist leaders created the Mayflower Compact to ensure a functioning social structure would prevail.


This person was introduced to the Pilgrims in the spring of 1621, became friends with them, and taught them how to hunt and fish in order to survive in New England. Due to his knowledge of English, the Pilgrims made him an interpreter and emissary between the English and Wampanoag Confederacy.



Which was the last of the original 13 states to be established?



What is Salutary Neglect?

The idea that the mother country passed laws/regulations, but did little to enforce them (left colonies alone for the most part) AS LONG AS the colonies remained:

  • Loyal to the mother country’s government 

Profitable for the mother country (i.e. Britain)