People Who Help Us
& Transition
Awareness of
Time Management

Would you like to be a community helper in the future? If YES, what job would you like?


What is a benefit of making changes or transitioning to new things?

- Helps you grow

-Expand your interests

- Might learn something new


Where would you put - Loud, Unexpected Noises - on a stress meter?

1- No stress at all

100 - ALOT of stress 


True or False

If I have bad time management skills and show up late for work all the time, my boss won't care at all. 


Your boss may care, and that may make you less productive at your job if you are not on time


Who was the last community helper to help you, or effect you in some say?

This can be an indirect help - (delivered my mail, collected the recycling for my house, help the door open at the hotel, etc. )


Name a time you changed or transitioned something and it was exciting after! 


Where would you put - Brushing your Teeth in the Morning - on a stress meter? 

1 - No stress at all

100- ALOT of stress 


What is one thing YOU do to manage your time?


What would it be like if some of our community helpers were not their to do their job?

-Our community might be dirty

- Our community may feel hectic

- Things would not be running smoothly 


Can you think of the last time you changed or transitioned? What was it and how was it for you?


If my stress level is at 100 or in the red zone, what is something I can do to bring that level down?

- Deep breaths

- Ask for help

- Distract yourself with something 

- Take a break


What is one tool that can help me manage my time?

- Make a schedule

-Set alarms


Name one person who helps our community

-Doctors/ Nurses               and SO MANY MORE! 

-Garbage Collectors

- Mail people


- Teachers


What is something that can make changes or transitions a little easier? 

- Ask for a "heads-up"

- Deep breathing

- Have friends and/or family support you through it

- Ask for help 


Give us some examples of different emotions 

-Happy               And so many more! 






What is one thing that can happen if you do not have good time management

- Late places

- Impact on work or school

- Miss out on things


What is a benefit of community helper? 

They help our community run smoothly with their duty


Why can changes or transitions be stressful or scary for some people?

- you don't know what it will be like

- different routine

- can be unexpected


What does it mean to be aware of your emotions?

It means you notice (or are aware) of when something is stressful, or a trigger, or cause another form of emotional reaction


Name one reason it is important to have good time management skills

- Get where you need to be when you need to

-On- time for work

-Can accomplish all that is expected from you

-Wont be rushing around