Responsibilities for a lord in a typical day at this manner would include...
Collecting taxes, serving on the royal council, attend mass, hear complaints, hunting, etc.
A typical day for peasants would include...
Working sunrise to sunset
On the morning of 4th October Walter found one of his chickens was missing. The same evening Cedric and his family had chicken for dinner. Two villagers saw Cedric outside on the night of 3rd October and he was not usually outside at night. Cedric says he found the chicken in the woods. What's the punishment?
The religion followed by almost all Europeans.
Roman Catholic
The black death was spread through these creatures.
Sweet foods eaten by the peasantry included these items.
Foods grown naturally, berries, apples, pears
Clothing of the peasantry was mostly made out of this..
Several villagers say that on the night of 31st August Benedict was creating a fearful noise on the green. He is known to have visited the inn on that night where he drank vast quantities of ale. Mary and Eleanor say they were very afraid and shut themselves in their hut. What's the punishment?
The tax the church placed on the people.
Symptoms of the black death included....
Materials used to build houses for the rich.
Wood, brick, glass, stone
Straw, sticks, whatever they could find
This was the difference between the trial of water and fire.
A place between heaven and hell. If you went to church and still sinned, you would go here.
Feudalism declined in this way due to the black death.
Less workers, less trade, lords lost power, peasants left their land
Noblemen and the rich would enjoy these types of meats with their meals (2)
Chicken, beef, pork, lamb, goose
Clothing of the rich had a variety of this.
The medieval justice system was so harsh for this reason.
To keep people from committing crimes
People feared heaven, prayed to saints and gods, blamed good/bad luck on their gods
The bacteria that caused the black death.
Yersinia Pestis
Peasants ate this stew, it was made out of peas, beans, and onions.
A peasant would normally wear this.
These were punishments for committing crimes in the medieval age.
Fines, mutilation, death, shame
A common member of the church. You would go to them if you needed to confess your sins.
The black death was introduced to Europe in this year.