Human Rights
Political Systems
December Holidays
Current Events
Geography Misc

What international governmental body created (and promotes) the Declaration of Human Rights?

Bonus +100: Where are the headquarters of this intergovernmental body located?

United Nations

Bonus: NYC


Name the political system with a monarch (king or queen) as the absolute head of state.

Absolute Monarchy


Santa Claus lives in the North Pole. What country is that located in?



Only country in the world today with a country-wide vaccine mandate



What country is host to the only remaining Ancient Wonder of the World, the Pyramids of Giza?

Bonus +100: In what country does the Taj Mahal belong (a wonder of the modern world)?


Bonus: India


Name two (2) rights that all humans have under the Declaration of Human Rights.

Bonus +100: Name two (2) more human rights

Right to Life, Right free to slavery, Right free of discrimination, Right to a family, Right to education, Right to shelter and food, etc


Name the kind of government in Switzerland (the only country with this form of government currently in existence today)

Bonus +100: Name the country that first enacted this form of government

Direct Democracy

Bonus: Ancient Greece


Often found under the tree or in the home, these set of small statues is a recreation of Christs birth in a manger for the Christmas holiday.

Nativity scene


Why are World Cup players highlighting human rights concerns ahead of the 2022 World cup?

Concern over unpaid and overworked migrant workers in Qatar (many of whom are building the stadiums for the tournament)


Kuala Lumpur is the capital of which country



Name a violation of human rights that we studied in class.

Repression of women in Afghanistan, Migrants on the EU border, Dignity by Design (with Sinead Burke), Urghurs in China, etc

What is the source of power in a theocracy?



How many candles are on a menorah (the candelabrum that is a part of Hanukkah celebration)?

Bonus +100: How many nights does the Hanukkah celebration last?


Bonus: 8


Name the country that brought in migrants from Africa and the Middle East, camping them at the border in freezing conditions, in order to antagonize the EU

Bonus +100: Name the EU country on the other side of the border


Bonus: Poland


 In what ocean is the Bermuda Triangle located?

Atlantic Ocean

In our simulation, we tried to reproduce the UN General Assembly, but there are other parts of the UN. Name one (1) other main part, and what they focus on.

UNICEF: Children/youth

WHO: Health

UNESCO: Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Security Council: Maintaining Peace

WFP: World Food Programme


Name of the Head of State of a Parliamentary Democracy

Bonus +100: Give an example in the world today

Prime Minister

Bonus: Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau, Olaf Scholz, Magdalena Andersson, etc


Name the two reindeer from Santas sleight whose names are in German (and mean 'thunder' and 'lightening')

Donner and Blitzen


Name of Muslim minority group in China, currently being forced into Labor camps 

Chinese Uyghurs


Among others Zulu, Afrikaans and English are 3 of 11 official languages in this country

South Africa


In our class election's Representative Democracy, we had two rounds of voting. What were they called, and what was the purpose of each?

Primary Elections (voting within the political party) and General Elections (final voting for the President).


Why do you celebrate Hanukkah? (what is the story behind the celebration of Hanukkah?)

The tradition of lighting the menorah during Hanukkah is done to commemorate the story of a miracle. According to the story, when the Temple was rededicated, its lamps burned miraculously for a week, even though there was not enough oil to fuel them. The name of the holiday, Hanukkah, comes from the Hebrew word for “dedication,” “consecration” or “inauguration.” It refers to the Jews’ rededication of the Second Temple in the second century B.C.E.


Name the country that tabled a contentious religious anti-discrimination bill that would affect the LGBTQ+ community
