Waldo is surfing and catching some rays while visiting this region.
What is Coastal Plain?
Town that remained segragated even after the famous movement ended but began desegragated just a year later.
What is Albany, Georgia?
The focus of this movement was to integrate a south Georgia city (the whole city).
The Albany Movement?
First president of the newly formed Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), became a US Representative.
John Lewis
This landmark court case led to the racial integration of schools by declaring "separate but equal" schools unconstitutional
What is Brown v. Board of Education
Waldo took a boat from Blue Ridge to Savannah on this river.
What is the Savannah River?
The site of the most famous and largests Civil Rights protest?
What is Washington, D.C. ?
To separate facilities according to race or color of skin is to ______?
What is segregate?
After a group of college students in Greensboro, N.C. were denied service at a Woolworth's lunch counter, they decided to protest with a sit-in", which eventually led to the organization of this group
What is the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee or SNCC (pronounced "snick")
After studying the problem of integrating Georgia schools, this committee recommended allowing local school systems to decide if they wanted to integrate
What is the Sibley Commission?
Waldo decided to hike the Appalachian Trial starting in Georgia.
What is the Blue Ridge region?
Home state of Civil Rights leader, leader of SNCC, and U.S. Representative?
What is Georgia (the guy is John Lewis)?
This famous demonstration that took place in Washington, D.C. that received global attention, MLK and John Lewis both spoke, and attended by over 250,000 people.
What is the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom?
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech during this demonstration
What is the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom?
A change in this state symbol resulted in a 30 year controversy and is even the blame for Governor Roy Barnes losing reelection
What is the 1956 State Flag Issue
Waldo loves a good game of tag with his neighbors in Tennesse and Alabama!
What is the Appalachian Plateau?
Most populated city in Georgia that was known for peaceful integration of the schools.
What is Atlanta?
As the only governor elected by the General Assembly in modern Georgia history, he appointed more blacks to state boards than any previous governor, and integrated the Georgia State Patrol. Some thought of him as a reformed segregationist.
Who is Lester Maddox
Important civil rights leader, leader of the SCLC, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
Who is MLK?
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ruled all public facilities be ____________. (opposite of segregated)
Waldo just saw 5 alligators, 2 snakes, and a giant mosquito as he canoes along in this shallow marsh!
What is the Okefenokee Swamp?
Lester Maddox's resturant that refused service to integrationists.
What is the Pickrick or (renamed) the Lester Maddox Cafeteria?
Sit-ins, marches, and picketing demonstrations were encouraged by civil rights leaders like MLK and John Lewis. These protests are considered ______-__________ protests.
What is Non-violent?
The President that signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?
As owner of the Pickrick, this future GA governor refused to serve any integrationists.
Who is Lester Maddox.