What percent of the population is under the age of 15?Where do most people live in Africa? 10X
Near water (coast or river)
Because of the way records were kept, what will always be the biggest mystery on earth? 10X
The Pyramids
Europe built 4 things in Africa after they took over to help with development. Name them. 15X
The most famous trade CITY. Name the 4 things that they traded for. What are the 4 places they traded with? 20X
Salt, Gold, Copper, Ivory
Persia, India, China, Arabia
What was the segregation of whites from blacks called?
What restrictions were placed on blacks? There are 5. Name them.
What was placed on South Africa because of this?
The Apartheid
They lived in the "homeland", resticted travel
No voting rights, Worst land and jobs
Economic Sanctions
What the Americas gave Europe in exchange for the slaves. 15X
Plantation goods that would not spoil and could be used in Europe
What are the 3 Kindgoms of early Africa? Which one was known for traders and merchants? 15X
Kush, Sudan, Aksum
Africa has the shortest _____________ and the highest _______________ in the world. 7X
What Europe gave Africa for the slaves. 15X
Manufactured good and weapons
The growth of cities by water is called.... 6X
What does the ANC stand for? Who was the leader?
African National Congress
Nelson Mandela
What are the 3 things that cause Africa's population age to be 50% 15? 15X
Lack of Food, Water, Medicine
During the European exploration of Africa, what kind of things did the find (at least 2)? What did they do to gain control of these things? 20X
Gold, Ivory, other riches
The divided Africa into district areas with boundries
What are the 4 continents involved in the Slave Trade Triangle? 12X
Europe Africa North America South America
When did Africa want independence from Europe? What was the main problem with this? 20X
After World War 2
The European boundries left many states lanlocked and not livable.
Name the 4 migration factors and explain them. 15X
Environmental - move from N to S to be cooler or move to E from W to get away from rainy conditions
Economic - Move to a place that wants less of your earnings
Religious - Move to a place that practices your type of religion
Political - Move away from the Congo area (slave trade kidnappings)
Europeans started growing cash crops in Africa. What is a cash crop? What 3 main crops did they grow? 20X
Crops grown for use but also to package and make money
Cotton, coffee, peanuts
Early Africans traded with.....when? How were records kept for these times? 10X
Ancient Greece. 8000 years ago. Orally.
Farmland has 4 problems... What are they? 20X
Land is worn out
Limited Fertile Soil
Not enough food
How long was Nelson Mandela in jail? Who was the man that worked to free him? What year was he released? 20X
30 years. F.W. DeKlerk. 1990
What date was the first black president voted into South Africa? 15X
3 Main causes of death in Africa. 20X
Famine (Poor nutrition)
Lack of clean water
What were the 2 types of religions practiced and whrer did they practice? 15X
Christian - church and Islamic - mosque
What are the 2 water sources that people leave near? What is each a good choice? 25X
Coast (ocean) - Salt water, you can eat food from the ocean, catch enough to eat and sell. Safe to take a dip and cool off, but not drinkable water
River - drinkable after boil and filter dirty water (bacteria, parasites, dirty). No eating out of the river, not safe to swim there.
Even though health practices have improved, what are 2 main problems that Africa has today? 20X
Overpopulation and Lack of Jobs