Citizenship, Parties, & PAC$
Path to Democracy
Path Part 2 & Creating Constitution
Constitution: Part 2
Policies & Governments

Name 3 out of the 5 requirements to become a naturalized U.S. Citizen.

18 years old, Pass History Test, live in US for 5 years, Good moral character, read/speak/write English


What founding document gave the colonists the idea of self-government (after they created their own rules for their new colony)?

Mayflower Compact


What did the colonists do after the Stamp Act? (hint: term for refusal to buy goods)

They boycotted taxed goods

According to Article I of the Constitution, which branch has the power to declare war and levy taxes?

legislative branch


What do monarchies and dictatorships have in common? 

Both have a single leader


Give 3 obligations of all citizens

jury duty, paying taxes, obey laws, attending school, selective service


Which founding document gave us the idea of limited government (limiting the king's power)?

Magna Carta


What what the title of the pamphlet that encouraged colonists to declare independence from King George?

Common Sense


According to Article III of the Constitution, which branch has the power to declare laws unconstitutional?

Judicial Branch


What is the idea that power is shared between the federal government and states?



Why do we call the media a watchdog?

They alert the public when the government or gov. official does something wrong


What are your natural rights and what Enlightenment thinker gave us this idea?

Life, Liberty, & Property

John Locke


Give an example of one grievance listed in the Declaration of Independence.

taxation without consent, quartering troops, ignoring colonial petitions, 


Explain an example of how the executive branch uses checks and balances. 

-Can veto a law passed by legislative branch 


-Can nominate a justice to Supreme Court (judicial branch)


What is the difference between enumerated, reserved, and concurrent powers?

enumerated - federal powers (listed in Constitution)

reserved - powers for the state

concurrent  - powers they both share


In terms of government involvement, what is the difference between Democrat and Republican party?

Democrat - big gov. involvement to help people

Republican-little to no gov. involvement


What is a social contract and which Enlightenment thinker gave us this idea?

Agreement between ppl & gov where gov. promises to protect us

John Locke


Explain the difference between Federalists & Antifederalists.

Federalists=big federal power & no Bill of rights

Anti-federalists=states power & need a Bill of Rights


What are the two steps in the amendment process?

Proposed by 2/3 both houses & Ratified by 3/4 state legislatures


What did the Korean War, Vietnam War, and Bay of Pigs all have in common (in terms of U.S. motivation/ involvement?)

U.S. wanted to stop the spread of Communism in all of these events


Explain the difference between an interest group, lobbyists, and PAC$.

Interest group forms from one common interest and tries to make new policies

They hired lobbyists to persuade politicians to make new policies for the them

PAC$ give money to candidates for election/campaign 


What is separation of powers and which Enlightenment thinker gave us this idea?

When the government is divided into different parts/branches with separate powers/jobs

& Baron de Montesquieu


Name 2 goals listed in the Preamble & explain what they mean.

establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote general welfare, secure blessings of liberty to our posterity


Show the class the hand signals for Amendments 1-10.

you know it or you don't!


Explain 2 differences and 2 similarities when comparing the United States and Florida Constitutions.

same= three branches, bicameral leg branch, amendments, preamble

diff=governor/president; 7/9 justices;