Plural Nouns
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This word is the singular spelling of "eggs". (Please spell the word after you say it.)

What is "egg?" E G G 


This gene is always represented by a lowercase letter.

What is the recessive gene?


This continent is in the northern hemisphere.

What is the continent of North America?


This is the fifth month of the year. It begins with the letter "M" and is spelled with only 3 letters. Memorial Day is always near the end of this month. (Please spell the month after you say it.)

What is May? M A Y


This website, which each of us visits every week, allows you to practice your skills on a keyboard.

What is


This word is the plural of "fox". (Please spell the word after you say it.)

What is "foxes"? F O X E S


This gene is always represented by a capital letter.

What is the dominant gene?


This ocean borders the west coast of North America and the east coast of Asia. 

What is the Pacific Ocean?


This month marks the beginning of spring and comes before April. (Please spell the month after you say it)

What is March? M A R C H


09/22/21 was the first day of this season.

What is autumn/fall?


This word is the plural of "man". (Please spell the word after you say it.)

What is "men"? M E N


These two chromosomes determine that the being is male.

What are XY?


This country, which contains the largest number of Spanish speakers in the world, is on the southern border of the United States.

What is Mexico?


This month starts the new year. It is usually very cold in the northern hemisphere during this month. (Please spell the month after you say it)

What is January? J A N U A R Y 


In fourteen hundred ninety-two, this man sailed the ocean blue.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This word is the plural of "wolf". (Please spell the word after you say it.)

What is "wolves"? W O L V E S


This is the genetic constitution of an individual organism; often contrasted with phenotype.

What is the genotype?


This large island in North America is covered in ice, despite its name. 

What is Greenland?


This month is filled with spooky decorations and autumn celebrations. It comes before November. (Please spell the month after you say it)

What is October? O C T O B E R 


This game is played using parts of speech such as adverbs, adjectives, and nouns to tell a silly story. We played this together as a class several weeks ago. 

What is Mad Libs?


This word is the plural of "goose". (Please spell the word after you say it.)

What is "geese"? G E E S E


 This is the set of observable characteristics or traits of this horse that cause it to have black hair. (Physical trait)

What is the phenotype?


This continent is both the biggest and the most populated. The countries of Japan and India are located here.

What is Asia?


This month comes early in the year. It's after the first month but before the third. It begins with the letter "F". (Please spell the word after you say it.)

What is February? F E B R U A R Y


This archipelago (a group of islands) is one of the 50 states in the U.S.A. It is located in the Pacific Ocean and its capital is Honolulu. 

What is Hawaii?