Solat As Pillar of Islam
Wudu' & Asso. Rulings
Actions that Invalidate Solat
Types of Solat
Du'a & Dhikr
More on Solat

The core purpose of life in Islam

To worship Allah

Ad-Dhariyat 51:56


Evidence in the Quran that mentioned wudu'

Al Maidah 5:6


While waiting to pray Maghrib, the food was served and you are called to eat. What is the best action to do?

To eat first


Gives the literal meaning of jama' & qasar

Jama' - combining

Qasar - reducing


Name the first dhikr that is recommended to say right after tasleem

Astaghfirrullah - asking for forgiveness from Allah


Name the position in solat that the nearest to Allah, the recitation in this position & its meaning


Subhana rabbiyal a'laa

Glory to Allah the Most High


Give 3 reasons why we performed solat

1. foundation of religion

2. the soul of religion

3. to build special connection to Allah


Give two ruling on taking wudu'

1. harus/mustahab

2. wajib if performing solat


You just started praying Isya' and you feel the urgency to pee. What is the best action? Finish the solat quickly or go to relieve yourself

To relieve yourself

Prayer is not valid when food has been served & when a person is in need of relieving himself from excrement and/or urine. Reported by Imam Muslim


Give how many type of solat in term of its ruling, & list them



Fardhu, wajib, sunnah & nawafil


The most frequent du'a that was practiced by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

Rabbana atina fid dunya hasanatan wa fil Aakhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar


List 3 things that is encourage to do before solat

Brush your teeth

Wear nice, clean garment



Why is solat so special?

Obligations to perform solat was given directly to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. on the Mikraj - night journey


Recite the du'a of after wudu' & the reward as mentioned in hadeeth

“Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-allah wahdahu la sharika lah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluhu.” 

The eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him and he will enter through whichever one he wants.” Narrated by Muslim, 234.


True or false

While you praying Dhuhr, someone mentioned that you are not facing Qibla. You moved to the Qibla direction. This movement is makruh. 


It is obligatory to face the Qibla


What marks the beginning of the status of traveler (musafir) and when does the status of it cease?

Begins: when traveler leave his/her hometown

Ceased: when he/she returned to original town


Name 3 etiquette in making du'a

1. sincere

2. praise Allah and gives salutation (selawat) to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

3. Include Allah's beautiful name (Asma-ul Husna)


Adhzan in Fajr has this phrase and give its meaning

As-Salatu khairun min an-naum, As-Salatu khairun min an-naum. 

Prayer is better than sleep, Prayer is better than sleep.


Name 3 significant virtues of solat

1. First deed to be evaluated

2. Source of light

3. Gives solution to any problem


List 5 things that invalidate wudu'

Poo,     Deep sleep

Pee,     Loss of conciousness

Fart,     Touching private area

Menses, nifas

Perfuse bleeding or vomiting

Eating camel meat


While praying in jamaah, there is a gap in your row. You move to fill the gap. What is the ruling of this movement?

Mustahabb - makes the prayer more perfect and complete


Gives the 4 conditions of solat jama' qasar

1. 90km journey or more

2. no longer than 3 days

3. not for sinful purposes

4. confirmed destination


Recite the du'a that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. taught Muadz ibn Jabal & its meaning

"Allahumma a’inni ala dhikrika, wa shukrika, wa husni ‘ibadatika"

O Allah, help me remember You, to be grateful to You, and to worship You in an excellent manner.  


List the 9 conditions of solat

Islam, Sane, Baligh, In state of purity, Removing najasah, Covering the aurat, In time of solat, Facing the Qibla, Intention


In Surah al-Ma'arij  70:19-29, how are humans described in relation to patience and selfishness?

Human are created impatient & grudging, especially in response to evil & good.


Give the time of validity when wiping over khuf

Resident: 1 day 1 night

Travelling: 3 days and 3 nights


In the last rakaat of your Asr, you remembered you didn't have wudu'. What happened to your solat? What do you need to do?

Invalid, need to take wudu' & perform the Asr 


Names the 10 solat sunnah rawatib that were highly emphasised

2 before Fajr

2 before and 2 after Dhuhr

2 after Maghrib

2 after Isya'


Give the virtue of reciting ayatul Qursi after solat? Recite ayatul Qursi

There is nothing that will prevent him from entering Paradise except death


Recite the du'a after adhzan

Allahumma Rabba hadhihi-dda` watit-tammah, was-salatil qa’imah, ati Muhammadan al-wasilata wal-fadilah, wa b`ath-hu maqaman mahmudan-il-ladhi wa`adtahu’

O Allah! Lord of this perfect call, and of the regular prayer which is going to be established, give Muhammad the right of intercession and illustriousness, and resurrect him to the best and the highest place in Paradise that You promised him.

Reference : Sahih Al-Bukhari 614