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Buprenorphine is an example of one of these, due to the effect it has on mu opioid receptors throughout the body.

What is a partial agonist?


The definitive diagnosis of gout is made by visualizing these characteristic findings on polarized light microscopy.

Whar are negatively birefringent crystals?

According to the AHA, high quality cpr includes a chest compression fraction greater than this number.

What is 80%?


In this skin disease, papulosquamous lesions with a collarette of scale will appear with a "Christmas tree" distribution.

What is pityriasis rosea?


The COVID pandemic brought about "operation warp speed" in the determined effort to develop a vaccine. The successful Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were the first widespread successes using this new vaccine technology.

What are mRNA vaccines?


While the exact mechanism for this disorder isn't well understood, women who present near the time of childbirth with orthopnea, dyspnea on exertion and pulmonary edema should be evaluated for this diagnosis

What is peripartum cardiomyopathy?


This three-worded segment of soft tissue is one of the most common locations for an ankle sprain.

What is the anterior talofibular ligament?


According to the AHA, If the End-Tidal CO2 drops below this range it is a sign that a provider needs to improve their chest compressions.

What is 10-20 mmHg? 

(Will accept 10)


This infectious agent causes a benign capillary skin papule in immunocompromised patients, specifically those with AIDs.

What is bartonella (bacillary angiomatosis)?


This live vaccine is dosed orally, every other day, for a total of 4 capsules.

What is typhoid vaccine?


This type of burn may damage hair follicles and glandular tissue, but heals without grafting in two to nine weeks.

What are deep partial thickness burns?


This noninflammatory disorder can be identified radiographically by flowing calcifications along the anterior surfaces of vertebral bodies.

What is DISH (Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis)?


In a patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White and tachycardia with a pulse, these 4 medications and/or classes of medications should be avoided due to risk of cardiovascular collapse.

What are:

Adenosine/amiodarone (will accept either or both)

beta blockers

calcium channel blockers



This rare rash occurs during the 2nd or 3rd trimester, starting as blisters around the navel and spreading to the rest of the body. It typically worsens after delivery and then regresses.


What is pemphigoid gestationis?


For healthy individuals who are exposed to hepatitis A, the vaccine is recommended. After they hit this age, it is also recommended to administer immune globulin.

What is age 40?